Straight Line of the Day: Biden Has Postponed Choosing a VP for Another Week. Possible Reasons Include…

Straight Line of the Day: Biden has postponed choosing a VP for another week. Possible reasons include…


  1. … less than satisfactory answers on the vetting questionnaire concerning skills at reorganizing deck chairs on the Titanic.

    … at the vetting seance, Eleanor Roosevelt laughed at him.

    … he’s been busy filming updated commercials about a mind being a terrible thing to waste.

  2. Biden has postponed choosing a VP for another week. Possible reasons include…

    …Frederica Wilson wears a hat and he can’t smell her hair easily & Kamala’s new face is just too weird for the voters.

  3. …so far, their plans to murder him after the election sound painful, and rather scary to a five year old.

    …those hair extensions make them all smell like Amy Winehouse.

    …only gets laughter after asking where all the white women at?

  4. …he has to be reminded that Homer Simpson cannot be his VP because he is a cartoon character.

    …he tries to ask the idiot that Obama ran with, but someone always calls him at that exact moment he dials.

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