Straight Line of the Day: Meanwhile, in Bizarro World…

Straight Line of the Day: Meanwhile, in Bizarro World…


  1. State governments will take away your business license for opening,
    Cities are disbanding their police departments.
    Church services are banned.
    Martial Law is implemented to prevent the spread of a virus. No one may go anywhere without a mask unless you are rioting, looting, and vandalizing in the name of racial justice.

  2. Joe Biden graduated law school in the top half of his class, with a full academic scholarship and also received 3 undergraduate degrees. He went on the reverse the effects of global warming and brought racism to an end in America. This all pales in comparison to his greatest achievement. Joe Biden actually made a honey badger care.

  3. Meanwhile, in Bizarro World…

    The sun raises in the west and sets in the east, the Democrats fight to lower taxes while the Republicans try to raise them, and major Hollywood stars endorse Trump for a second term.

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