Straight Line of the Day: Overheard in a Conversation Between God and Man: …

Based on Jenos Idanian’s creative idea.

Straight Line of the Day: Overheard in a conversation between God and man: …


  1. Me: God, is a million years but like a second to you?

    God: Yes, my child.

    Me: And God, would a million dollars be like a penny to you?

    God: Yes, that too is correct, my child.

    Me: God, could you spare me a penny?

    God: Sure, I’ve got one around here somewhere, just a second…

  2. Overheard in a conversation between God and man: …

    Man: Will voting in every Babe contest at IMAO get me into heaven?
    GOD: Yes, of course. Pfft! Why even ask such an obvious question?

    • Moses comes down from the mountain with two tablets.
      “I got some good news and I got some bad news. The good news is that I talked him down from twenty to ten. The bad news is that adultery is still in.”

  3. “Lord I think you need to punish my Priest. On Sunday when he was supposed to be saying Mass he snuck alone off to that little golf course and got a hole in one on that short, 300 yard, Par 4. He was so happy he was crying for joy. He needs to be punished”
    “No, He’s being punished enough”
    “What ?”
    He wasn’t crying for joy. He’s very gregarious, he knew he was doing something wrong and doesn’t want to get caught. So about the Hole-in-One….. Who can he tell?.

  4. (Sniff) I’m so honored by this, I could almost plotz.

    But I suppose I should get in on this.

    “Look, man, if you don’t stop yelling for me when you’re… being fruitful, I’m gonna send a bolt of lightning right up your fundament.”

  5. “He could breathe because of a prototype device that used solar power to split carbon dioxide into oxygen gas and graphite dust. That’s actually what the whole experiment was about, officially; the paperwork was all about testing the machine. However, the doctor already knew it worked; he just used it as a pretext to get the funding & permits for shooting something into space.
    “I never did figure out how he ate, though.”

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