Wait. Wh . . . What??

Credit: University of Manchester

Scientists Create Compact Particle Accelerators That Drive Electron Beams Nearer Speed of Light

Ben Robinson, University of Manchester / August 11, 2020 / Phys.org

Scientists have successfully developed a pocket-sized particle accelerator capable of projecting ultra-short electron beams with laser light at more than 99.99% of the speed of light.

It’s a freakin’ mirror! And we can’t even organize our freakin’ coins — are we ready for pocket particle accelerators operating at lint speed??


  1. James Bond: “Do you mind if I get a cigarette?”

    Evil Genius: “Suit yourself.”

    James Bond: “Ah-Ha! This is a pocket-sized particle accelerator capable of projecting ultra-short electron beams with laser light at more than 99.99% of the speed of light!”

    Evil Genius: “So?”

    James Bond: *

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