Midnight Special

Another special midnight for you all. Tonight’s spotlight artists are not just another band, well, maybe they claim to be.

Please welcome…

Boston : Doug Huffman, Gary Phil, Brad Delp, David Sikes, Tom Scholz.

On to the show.

When You Lose the Amish . . .

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

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Odd Choice, For Them

Submitted by Slapout:

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Biden Debate Prep Materials Revealed

Promises to help Dan get fit “on Day One.”

Several handlers reportedly resign.


Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

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Whatever Happened To Voting By Proxy?

Submitted by Slapout:

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I Must Remember This One

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

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‘School Shootings’ Sue ‘School Closings’ for Copyright Infringement and Unlawful Monopoly

Terrorizing more students — and depriving more students of education — than they could ever hope to achieve.

Straight Line of the Day: Scientists Have Revised Their Calculations, and Now Say…

Straight Line of the Day: Scientists have revised their calculations, and now say…

Welcome to IMAO! Oh, Did That Windmill on the Roof Catastrophically Fail Again?

Random Thoughts: Rioting and Andy Griffith

Anyone who excuses rioting is a terrible person, as bad any racist they rail against.

Wow. That New Mutants movie is so scary, critics are refusing to see it.

This applies to a few recent news items: There is no legal requirement to comment on a shooting where you don’t know all the facts.

You want to defund the police but you don’t want random people using AR-15s to fight riots? Make up your mind!

The NBA is just going to seem like a bunch of rich poseurs on justice issues if they continue to refuse to condemn the Chinese government.

The tension in a lot of these police shootings is that I feel everyone is always rushing to judgment (I felt pretty burned after initially joining the bandwagon on Mike Brown), but if there isn’t some sort of pressure, you can’t be certain authorities will even look into them.
Of course, now these shootings usually fade in concern before the more immediate problem of not wanting your house or place of business burned down.

I don’t find the NBA players very principled, but I also never watch NBA so they don’t have to care what I think.
Though everyone should care what I think because I’m right.

First my wife got my kids into Little House on the Prairie, and now they’re all watching and enjoying the Andy Griffith Show. My kids are going to end up decent and boring.

Some of you almost make the RNC sound entertaining, but I ain’t falling for it.

Everyone is right to be dismissive of the criticism of the U.S. from people who financially benefit from China but never speak against that greater evil. The hypocrisy makes all their words hollow.

It just feels like everyone is playacting what they think they’re supposed to be doing from the civil rights movement, but no one actually knows how to change anything.

I’ve been boycotting the NBA over them playing basketball.

They have Reagan in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War? Can you play as him?

None of you have convinced me you think black lives matter, but I do believe all of you really love righteous yelling.

I haven’t played a Call of Duty in a while, but I’m kind of excited for the next one. Shooting a bunch of Commies on the orders of Ronald Reagan just seems like simpler, happier times.

REAGAN: “I need you to commit crimes.”
BOB CALL OF DUTY: “What kind of crimes?”
REAGAN: “The war kind.”
BOB CALL OF DUTY: “Those are the best crimes.”

My kids all love NYC now because that’s where Hamilton lived.
“Hey, kids, did you know I used to write for the New York Post, which Hamilton founded?”
They didn’t care 🙁

My 4yo the other day: “Play the song about the bastard, son of a whore!”

“Lives that Fit My Preferred Political Narrative Matter” would seem a more fitting slogan for most.

Well, obviously Trump can’t stop the rioting and looting. I guess the argument for him is at least he’ll like it less.

We all know that five minutes after Trump is out of office, the Republicans could nominate another Mitt Romney and the left will all be like, “This guy is way worse than Trump!”

It’s hard to believe the people making excuses for rioting think black lives matter. They just come off as sociopaths who don’t think much of anyone.

I’m not sure it’s a proper question, but it’s still one I’m most curious about: Do we know anything about Kyle Rittenhouse’s parents?

There’s nothing wrong about celebrities talking about politics. It’s just most of them tend to have really insipid takes and yet they get large platforms for them which is why it tends to be so irritating.

“I have this really important, original thought everyone needs to hear!”
No, you really don’t, man. I’m sorry.

I get frustrated that so many people fall on the solution being “Get out and vote!” — the same solution for decades. You’re not going to fix anything voting for one of the two major parties we’ve always been voting for.

I don’t find it hard to say “burning down other people’s homes and businesses because you’re mad about something unrelated” is always wrong, and I don’t respect anyone who has trouble saying that.
And are we certain any of the looting and arson is actually been political? I’ve see non-looters and arsonists excuse it as political speech, but I haven’t seen any actual looters or arsonists explain themselves.

Ranting how bad Trump is like Gaffigan did is completely pointless. Pretty much everyone knows that. The thing is, the left is also over the top terrible. You have to compare the two and explain how one is better than the other or you’re just talking to one side.
I mean, everyone has been ranting about how terrible Trump is for four straight years. Try a new strategy.

“To beat Trump, we need you on the left to be less terrible than him, okay?”
“No deal.”
“Well, could you be less fascist than him?”
“Less desiring of violence?”
“Absolutely not.”
“More coherent.”
“Uh uh.”
“Better hair?”
“Probably not.”

America wasn’t built on racist ideals. It was built on the least racist ideal — that all men are created equal — an ideal so powerful it transcended the racist men who first signed on to it.

The “allies” who conflate arson and looting with protesting do more harm that the people who complain about any protesting.

My kids love Hamilton so much you could probably get them to give you two twenties for a ten and they wouldn’t feel cheated.

My kids are watching The Andy Griffith Show. I had never really seen it before. I had assumed he was a widower; I didn’t know his wife was found to be a Communist spy and killed a bunch of people when escaping execution. I assume that comes up again in later seasons.

With some reviewers refusing to review movies because they’re scared of the ‘rona, how are we going to get the sissy perspective on new movies?
“The hero fired a gun in it and it was really loud and I cried. One and a half stars.”

“In Defense of Looting” is the closet anyone has gotten me to voting for Trump. I don’t know how you read that as anything other than “You think Trump is bad? The left are way way worse.”

I don’t get being immediately so sure of the Jacob Blake incident one way or another, but I do get the idea that one worries that sort of thing won’t even be looked into without some sort of public pressure.

white supremacists burn down an African American church
TODAY’S LEFT: “So what? They had insurance. And really what’s ‘property’ anyway?”

Indulging in one’s anger is pretty much always selfish.

A good conspiracy theory would be that “In Defense of Looting” was funded by the Trump campaign.

#BidenRiots? That’s as dumb and partisan as #TrumpVirus. Biden doesn’t have the power to get anyone to riot.

Democrats run most of the major cities but they aren’t very good at it.

I don’t think it helped when Biden said, “Everyone riot! Riots are great! Why aren’t you rioting right now? Are you watching something off of Netflix? What? Is it any good? Oh, I might check that out later, but only after I riot.”

This is a Flight 815 election. We’re all quite lost, and I don’t see any possibility of a satisfying ending.

drinks a ton of vodka
“Let’s use 3 as a letter!”

It’s not white supremacists burning down black neighborhoods. It’s like white guys with black power fist tattoos.

Read the novel Die Hard was based on, Nothing Lasts Forever, and while most of the big action elements from the movie are in the book, it’s a completely different animal from Die Hard. Definitely a case where the movie is better than the book.

If you’ve ever been shot with a paintball, those things can hurt like the dickens… but not enough to make you want to stop playing paintball.

Old sofa is being taken away today and the new one doesn’t arrive until Wednesday. That’s two evenings without a sofa. I vividly remember all the other times in my life I was temporarily without a sofa. It was a bitter, miserable existence.

Going to take an unpopular opinion that campaign yard signs for Animal Crossing is cute and nowhere near as lame as saying, “We need to Pokemon Go to the polls!”

Milton Pot

Submitted by Slapout:

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