So . . . Maybe Masks Not Only Suck But Are Counterproductive? I Think the Word is “Dumbfounded”!

Common Cold Combats Influenza

Yale University via / Sept 4, 2020

As the flu season approaches, a strained public health system may have a surprising ally—the common cold virus.

Rhinovirus, the most frequent cause of common colds, can prevent the flu virus from infecting airways by jumpstarting the body’s antiviral defenses, Yale researchers report Sept. 4 in the journal The Lancet Microbe.

The findings help answer a mystery surrounding the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic: an expected surge in swine flu cases never materialized in Europe during the fall, a period when the common cold becomes widespread.

A Yale team led by Dr. Ellen Foxman studied three years of clinical data from more than 13,000 patients seen at Yale New Haven Hospital with symptoms of respiratory infection. The researchers found that even during months when both viruses were active, if the common cold virus was present, the flu virus was not.

“When we looked at the data, it became clear that very few people had both viruses at the same time,” said Foxman, assistant professor of laboratory medicine and immunobiology and senior author of the study.

Accurate Version

Courtesy of Veeshir:

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Saturday Night Hootenanny

Hey, who won the Derby?


Way to go Authentic.

Let us get the victory party started.

1 Minute to Hootenanny: Here Comes Your 19th Nervous Braking Taxicab

IMAO Time Machine: Fun Facts About the 50 States: Colorado

Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States, where – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting, yet completely useless and probably untrue, information about each of the 50 states.

This week, it’s time to shakes the snakes out of your hiking boots as we traipse the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, so let’s get started…

Colorado state flag
Colorado’s flag consists of a field of horizontal blue and white stripes, with a red letter C in the middle. The inside of the C is colored yellow as a warning to tourists that not all snow is edible.
  • Colorado is a large state in the West-central US that has spent the last century battling Wyoming for the coveted title of “Most Rectangular State”.
  • Although people from Colorado have no distinctive accent, they can still be easily recognized by the fact that, when they say “Coors”, they don’t grimace.
  • The state of Colorado has an average elevation of 7000 feet above sea level, which, technically, makes its citizens space aliens.
  • The most common cause of death in Colorado is being struck by low-flying satellites.
  • Due to its high altitude, water in Colorado boils at a much lower temperature than at sea level, which is why joggers there frequently evaporate into clouds of steam.
  • Despite the impression given by a certain animated TV show, South Park, Colorado is NOT actually a real city. If you don’t believe me, you can [CENSORED] my [CENSORED] you [CENSORED].
  • Skiing in Aspen, Colorado is both a popular tourist attraction and an effective way to kill a Kennedy without wasting a perfectly good bullet.
  • Colorado hopes to use the sport of Whitewater Rafting to take out a Baldwin sometime in the next year or so.
  • The state motto of Colorado is “Wanna buy a slightly used life-jacket for cheap?”
  • The cheeseburger was invented in Denver in 1935, which is why Michael Moore bows down in the direction of the city five times a day.
  • Annoyed by the millions of misdirected Valentines that arrive at their post office every year, the citizens of Loveland, Colorado will soon be holding a referendum to change the city’s name. Options include Bitterdivorceland, PMSington, and Hillaryville.
  • Denver is home to the world’s largest rodeo. While it’s in progress, the city has nearly as many men dressed in leather chaps as San Francisco.
  • This does NOT make them gay, although they ARE flattered, and possibly a little curious.
  • There are over 200 parks in the city of Denver, which are filled with hiking trails, petting zoos, and angry tourists whose flights out of the city were canceled due to sudden snowstorms.
  • Zebulon Pike, of Pike’s Peak fame, was never actually on top of the object which bears his name, but he DID bring it to the nation’s attention by mentioning it frequently. Not unlike Kim Kardashian constantly reminding us that she’s really, really famous for… something.
  • Colorado is the most dangerous state through which to fly and airplane, due to the risk of being hit by cattle that accidentally fall off moutainsides while grazing.
  • The city of Dove Creek, Colorado is the “Pinto Bean Capital of the World”. Coincidentally, the nearby city of Cortez is the “Air Freshener Capital of the World”.
  • Mesa Verde, Colorado is home to an abandoned Indian city made up of buildings carved directly into the cliffs. No one knows exactly what happened to the residents, although they may have been eaten by the Donner Party.
  • Colorado became the 38th state on August 1st, 1876, a fact celebrated by no one at the time, since everybody was still too hung over from celebrating America’s Centennial.
  • Famous horror movie actor Lon Chaney was born in Colorado Springs. He moved to Hollywood in 1902 after a mob of angry villagers chased him out of the state.
  • The state insect of Colorado is the tick, which is highly prized by locals because telling a girl that you want to check her for ticks is a great excuse for getting her clothes off.
  • The Square Dance was named Colorado’s state dance in 1992, narrowly beating out the Achy-Breaky and the Dougie.
  • Colorado’s state dinosaur is the stegosaurus, which has been extinct since 1997, when the last one died from being hit by a Kennedy while skiing in Aspen.

That wraps up the Colorado edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week we’ll be getting punched in the face by the natives for pronouncing the second “c” in Connecticut.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go bow down towards Denver… mmmm… cheeseburgers…

[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from]

Class. Warfare.

Just putting this out there, for all of us who have had to work with the public.

Restaurant’s Brilliant Response to Customer Who Threatened to “Destroy’ Business With Bad Review

WalesOnline | 3 Sept. 2020 | Anna Lewis

The customer claimed they had to wait 12 minutes to be seated and wanted a free meal, or else they would take to TripAdvisor

A Welsh restaurant managed to keep its cool and issue the ultimate response after being threatened with a bad TripAdvisor review over a ’12-minute’ wait.

The Gatehouse Steakhouse in Dolgellau shared the brutal exchange of messages sent by one customer who had dined at the independent business during the Eat Out To Help Out scheme.

In a series of WhatsApp messages shared publicly on the eatery’s Facebook page, the customer first got in touch to complain after allegedly waiting 12 minutes to be seated and having to wait in a line outside – adding they were “not happy.”

Despite describing their steak as “cooked perfect”, they went on in subsequent messages to demand a free meal or a refund by threatening to leave a bad review.

The customer, who has not been named, said:

“I don’t appreciate your attitude, I’m in paying your staff’s wages and you’re getting cocky with me. Are you not gonna [sic] give me a free meal or some money back for the wait? Let’s be straight you either give us a free meal or the money back or i’m gonna report you to TripAdvisor it’s your choice.”

Despite the abuse, the restaurant managed to keep a calm head in its responses and first explained that the government discount scheme had seen the business serve “record numbers” – and that it had been “challenging at times”.

After initially apologising for the wait, the business eventually responded to the TripAdvisor threat.

The restaurant said:

“As much as I am customer focused, I draw the line when threatened with TripAdvisor. Please do your worst. I have zero respect for that site. Achieving a TripAdvisor certificate is not a benchmark for us. I could write a 5 review for my restaurants on a daily basis…but it has about as much interest to me as the vegan society does.

“If that’s how you wish to vent, feel free.”

From there, the customer appears to lose their temper at the situation, replying:

“Fine, **** you I’ll just write my **** review and ** up your business. And I’ll tell all my friends that you’re st and you’re a *head who doesn’t care about customers you’ve really p*d me off. You kept me and my wife waiting for five minutes. That doesn’t happen in weather spoons [sic] and you’re double the price you * *. Cheeky ****.”

Thankfully, the situation fails to escalate from there. After telling the customer they are busy enjoying some family time, the restaurant WhatsApp user ends the conversation by wishing the keyboard warrior a good time at Wetherspoon.

They added: “Wow. That escalated quickly.”

“I’d love to sit here and argue all day…I’m impartial to a bit of aggressive banter, but leaving the house at 7am most days and arriving back at 11-12 at night, I miss my children…so I’m sitting with them at the moment having a nice time.

“As I mentioned in previous messages…sometimes things happen that can’t be helped. We don’t aim to keep people waiting but these things happen.

“Enjoy Wetherspoon anyway. I’m sure the delights on offer will blow you away.”

TV Show Reboots

Epic submission by Gumbeaux:

To Catch a Predator

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden donated his vehicle to Bait Car

Walker, Texas Ranger

Biden Campaign’s Island

The Twilight Zone


The Streets of San Francisco



To Tell the Untruth

And now for a commercial break from Burger King

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At Least She’s Consistent

Submitted by Slapout:

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Inflation! On My Planet I Can Get Hundreds of These For an Earth Dime!


Image and title submitted by Gumbeaux:

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Just Wondering

When the Virtue Signalers quietly remove their ‘Black Lives Matter” signs from their lawns — as they eventually will — what message will THAT convey?

It might be even more significant than putting them up ever was.

Could You Repeat That Sir?

Title and image submitted by Rihar:

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Straight Line of the Day: Washington Post and Babylon Bee in Legal Tug-of-War Over Ownership of the Following Headline Idea:

Straight Line of the Day: Washington Post and Babylon Bee in legal tug-of-war over ownership of the following headline idea(s):

Welcome to IMAO and . . . Augghhhh! Heads Up!

Off the Internyet

Submitted by Slapout:

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