Thursday Night Open Thread

Never really got into The Pixies. Or is it “Pixies?” I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter. It’s just not my style. Not saying they aren’t talented, just their music is not for me.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

There’s This Consolation: Forevermore You’ll Be Able To Say You Survived 2020

“The Greta-est Generation?”

McCain Again? Is That All They’ve Got?

Trump interaction with the non-partisan press, Sept. 4, 2020

Q: Mr. President, I just want to ask you about something you said a while back; it’s been talked about many, many, times. Back in 2015, you said that you didn’t think John McCain was a hero, that you prefer people who don’t get captured.

In — in light of all that’s happened since then and all you’ve learned, do you regret saying that? Is that something you wish you had not said?

Now, how in the world did this reporter just happen to think of this question — among all other breaking news — well before the Washington Post’s Woodward story broke on Sept. 9th about the president allegedly disrespecting veterans?

It couldn’t have been a trap to make a broader statement about all veterans, which could then be used to make him look like a liar due to their fake story.

Could it?

Well, sorry, media jerks, he didn’t fall for it.

Now we know that 5 days is the average time between the day they plant a trap and try to spring it.

THE PRESIDENT: I — look, I — I say what I say. And I never got along with John McCain. I disagreed with John McCain. You know that better than anybody, frankly. I wasn’t a fan. I disagreed with many of his views. I disagreed with his views on these ridiculous, endless wars. I disagreed with the way he handled the vets, the VA. The VA is running much better now — and we did with the MISSION Act, and the Accountability, and all the things we’ve done for the VA. He — he was not able to do that.

But I disagreed with John McCain on a lot of things. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect him. I respected him, but I really disagreed with him on a lot of things. And I think I was right; I think time has proven me right, to a large extent.

Or “Stand For Your President or Kneel in Prayer . . .”

Submitted by Slapout:

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Biden Updates Previous Statement: “J-O-B-S” Is Five Letters

Media and Academia Concur That It’s Possible

Her Eyesight’s No Better Than Joe’s

Submitted by Slapout:

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Both Good

But the bad guys don’t get to see telltale markings.

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Disney Animatronics Team Unsure What To Do With Leftover Pieces From Biden Mock-Up

Not Humorous, But a Gentle Reminder That God Works in Mysterious Ways

How Cells Can Find Their Way Through the Human Body

Bob Yirka / / August 28, 2020

A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.K. has discovered how cells are able to travel so accurately through the human body. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes a theory they developed to explain cell orienteering and how they tested it using mazes.

When the body is injured, such as being poked with a needle, the immune system responds by sending white blood cells to kill any bacteria that might be trying to enter through the wound.

But how do the cells know how to find the wound?

Prior research has shown that cells use chemicals in the body known as chemoattractants to navigate short distances. White blood cells can sense and move toward them—but it only works for short distances. In this new effort, the researchers found that cells can use such chemoattractants in a different way to navigate longer and more complicated pathways.

The researchers theorized that certain cells navigate by breaking down chemoattractants that are close to them. They then sense the degree to which the chemoattractants are replenished, and most importantly, in which direction. By noting the position of the new chemoattractants, they are able to move toward their desired destination. As an example, a white blood cell working its way to a wound upon finding a fork in the road would choose the path with the most or newest chemoattractants after it breaks them down in both directions.

Straight Line of the Day: Airline Pilots Reported Seeing a Guy in a Jetpack. Possible Explanations Include…

Straight Line of the Day: Airline pilots reported seeing a guy in a jetpack. Possible explanations include…


Airline Pilots Report Seeing ‘Guy in Jetpack’ Flying Near LAX During Approach
FoxNews | September 1, 2020 | Stephanie Pagones

An American Airlines pilot in California reported seeing a “guy in a jetpack” flying roughly 3,000 feet above-ground as he was nearing Los Angeles International Airport, according to a recent report.

The American flight 1997 pilot was roughly 10 miles away from LAX on Sunday evening — while it was still light out — when he spotted the unusual sight and notified authorities, local affiliate FOX 11 Los Angeles reported.

“Tower, American 1997, we just passed a guy in a jetpack,” the pilot can be heard saying in radio transmissions obtained by the news station. When the air traffic controller asks whether the pilot said the person was on the right or left side of the plane, he responds: “Off the left side, maybe 300 yards or so, about our altitude.”

A second pilot then piped in, according to the report, telling air-traffic control: “We just saw the guy passing by us in the jetpack.”

Welcome to IMAO: Please Take a Waiting Room Between Uhura and Grandma


Cartoons and Memes

I feel wistful tonight.

Which One Lives In a Fictional Realm?

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