Monday Night Open Thread

This was from 1965.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Babesleaga Group E Week 1 : Carrie Fisher vs Sigourney Weaver

Final match, 8:00 pm

Carrie Fisher vs Sigourney Weaver

Carrie Fisher
Sigourney Weaver

Poll closes on Sunday September 20th at 9:00 am.

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Who do you prefer?
217 votes · 217 answers

Cursa Major

Submitted by Slapout:

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Babesleaga Group E Week 1 : Barbara Hershey vs Faye Dunaway

6:00 pm and match 3 is up.

Barbara Hershey vs Faye Dunaway

Faye Dunaway
Barbara Hershey

Poll closes on Sunday September 20th at 9:00 am.

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Who do you prefer?
320 votes · 320 answers

Space Contractors Crucify Satellite: “Where Is Your Creator Now?” They Taunt

We Say “Bring It On”– God Says “Hold My Beer”

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.


3 Recent Discoveries Have Upended Scientists’ Understanding of How Dogs Age, Navigate, and Perceive Human Speech

Business Insider / Aylin Woodward / Sept. 7, 2020

Let’s hear it for the good boys!


[A study] published this summer found that puppies age much faster than older dogs do — which means you’re probably underestimating your dog’s human-age equivalent.

Taken together, these recent discoveries may change how you understand your pet.

Dogs live an average of 12 years. Human life expectancy, by contrast, is at least five times that, which is why many people go by the common rule of thumb that one “dog year” is equivalent to seven “human years.”But that one-to-seven ratio is wrong, researchers say — it’s a misunderstanding of how dogs’ aging processes compare with those of humans.

Instead, according to a July study, genetic evidence suggests that Labrador puppies and other young dogs age faster than their older counterparts.

“What’s surprising is exactly how old a 1-year-old dog is — it’s like a 30-year-old human,” Trey Ideker, a coauthor of that study, said in a press release.


Dogs Use the Magnetic Field To Navigate

Dogs have an uncanny ability to find their way home using their sense of smell. But that’s not the only navigational tool at their disposal: Pups can also orient themselves using Earth’s magnetic field, according to a June study.Birds, whales, and dolphins also use the same sixth sense, called magnetoreception, to plot their long migrations.

“The magnetic field may provide dogs with a ‘universal’ reference frame, which is essential for long-distance navigation, and arguably, the most important component that is ‘missing’ from our current understanding of mammalian special behavior and cognition,” the authors of the recent study wrote.

The researchers used GPS trackers to study how 27 dogs navigated 662 expeditions from 2014 to 2017 in the Czech Republic. They chose hunting breeds like terriers and dachshunds, which are trained to find prey like foxes in dense woodlands and then find their way back to their owners.

The researchers found that after the dogs were released into the woods, the animals typically retraced their steps back to their release point by following their own scent. But in one-third of the expeditions, the dogs took a different way home: On those trips, most of the dogs started off by running for 65 feet along Earth’s north-south axis — even if the direction of their destination didn’t align with that orientation.


Dogs Understand Speech in the Same Way We Do

When humans hear someone speak, our brains divide the work of processing that communication between their left and right hemispheres.

First, the right hemisphere focuses on parsing out the speaker’s underlying tone, and then the left hemisphere processes the meaning of what we’ve heard.

Researchers discovered in 2014 that dogs’ brains divvy up the task of speech processing in the same way, between their left and right hemispheres, though the scientists weren’t sure of the order in which that happened.

The recent study, however, found that dogs understand tone first, then meaning, in the same order as humans. The authors examined the brain activity of 12 pet dogs — six border collies, five golden retrievers, and one German shepherd — using a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine.

Babesleaga Group E Week 1 : Jane Seymour vs Jessica Lange

2:00 pm and our second match.

Jane Seymour vs Jessica Lange

Jane Seymour
Jessica Lange

Poll closes on Sunday September 20th at 9:00 am.

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Who do you prefer?
282 votes · 282 answers

Dozens of Readers of May Edition of Journal “Letters” Still in a State of Suspended Hypnotism

Straight Line of the Day: Trump Has Been Downplaying the Danger of…

(… or is that “Donplaying”)

Straight Line of the Day: Trump has been downplaying the danger of…

Welcome to IMAO. This Doesn’t Look Like a Fake Place for People To Leave Their Money, Does It?

Babesleaga Group E Week 1 : Jane Fonda vs Raquel Welch

New league opens today and here is first the match up.

Jane Fonda vs Raquel Welch

Jane Fonda
Raquel Welch

Poll will close on Sunday September 20 at 9:00 am.

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Who do you prefer?
330 votes · 330 answers

Babesleaga Group D : Final Results and Standings.

Congratulations to our winner.

Final Results

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Who do you prefer?
141 votes · 141 answers

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Who do you prefer?
199 votes · 199 answers

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Who do you prefer?
129 votes · 129 answers

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Who do you prefer?
176 votes · 176 answers

Final Standings

ContestantRecordTotal Points
Shakira7 – 0 – 0977
Gwen Stefani6 – 1 – 0752
Christina Aguilera5 – 2 – 0695
Ariana Grande4 – 3 – 0572
Lady Gaga2 – 5 – 0427
Amy Winehouse2 – 5 – 0295
Nicki Minaj1 – 6 – 0255
Beyonce1 – 6 – 0178

Group E will open today with a 10:00 am match. Here is today’s line up.

  • 10:00 am Jane Fonda vs Raquel Welch
  • 2:00 pm Jane Seymour vs Jessica Lange
  • 6:00 pm Barbara Hershey vs Faye Dunaway
  • 8:00 pm Carrie Fisher vs Sigourney Weaver