Midnight Special

Wednesday night and time for another Midnight Special. (10 O’Clock, right?)

Tonight’s artist is a bit different. I’ll let it go with that. Ladies and gentlemen…

Ray Wylie Hubbard.

RAY WYLIE HUBBARD – photo session – 2.28.20 Photograph by Alan MESSER | www.alanmesser.com

On to the music.

Link of the Day: Jeff Dunham

Submitted by Slapout:

Finally, someone who makes fun of both sides.


If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

A Minor Quibble With Her Premise

… and no fair trying to distract us with her ethnicity and name.

‘All things will outlast us’: How the Indigenous concept of deep time helps us understand environmental destruction

Ann McGrath, Phys.org, August 19, 2020

The bushfire royal commission is examining ways Indigenous land and fire management could improve Australia’s resilience to national disasters. On the face of it, this offers an opportunity to embrace Indigenous ways of knowing.

But one traditional practice unlikely to be examined is the Indigenous concept of “deep time.” This concept offers all Australians a blueprint for understanding the land we live on.

In the words of University of Technology, Sydney, Visiting Research Fellow and Yuwaalaraay/Gamilaraay woman Frances Peters-Little:

“All things will outlast us, the land will change, and survive … Yes, the land will be different. But new things will come of it.”

If she thinks this sandwich will outlast me, she is sorely mistaken.

Nor Wednesday

From Saturday:

Donald J. Trump
Once again, Sleepy Joe told the press they could go home at 9 A.M. Meanwhile, your Favorite President, me, will go to Reno, Nevada tonight, three stops in Las Vegas tomorrow, with California and Arizona on schedule Monday. Don’t worry, we won’t be taking off Tuesday, either!
5:13 PM · Sep 12, 2020

Warped Speedos?

Repulsive Photons

by Oliver Morsch, ETH Zurich / via Phys.org / February 25, 2019

Light particles normally do not “feel” each other because there is no interaction acting between them. Researchers at ETH have now succeeded in manipulating photons inside a semiconductor material in such a way as to make them repel each other nevertheless.

If that’s true, why are they going “Mmm”?

Straight Line of the Day: So What Can We Expect To See in “A Harris Administration Together With Joe Biden”?

Straight Line of the Day: So what can we expect to see in “a Harris administration together with Joe Biden”?

Welcome to IMAO. Grab a Glass.

Random Thoughts: Cuties and Dune

Science says sex differences evolved like hundreds of millions of years ago. I could see being confused by it then, but I don’t know why everyone is pretending to be confused by it now.

“So, Adam, here is Eve.”
“Is this a new animal?”
“Nope. A person. Just like you. But a different type.”
“Whoa. Slow down here.”

“And to make new humans, you’ll have to come together.”
“But what if we’re so different we don’t get along?”
God laughs

Let’s all pledge that, no matter who wins the election, we will not accept the results.

I know we have to fill up a news cycle, but is the fact that Trump downplayed the virus at first really new information?

Trump acts like Trump
“This is the biggest scandal ever!”
How do… how do you still have the energy?

Dune (2020) – Working class Paul Atreides has always dreamed of competing in the famous Arrakis dune buggy race, but those stuck up Harkonnens win it every year. But thanks to a magic “spice,” Paul could win the big prize… as long as he doesn’t get eaten by a sandworm!

Tagline: “Fun is the boredom killer!”

I don’t really care about Dune as a property (never read it), but I really really liked Blade Runner 2049. Then again, I don’t care for the name “Timothée Chalamet” and I don’t understand it. And the actor looks like someone who would be named that. I miss the Twin Peaks guy.

Whether Trump is re-elected or not, I have very good explanations for either that will make me sound really smart and on top of things.

Star Wars Episode VII: Here are some cool new plot points
Star Wars Episode VIII: Those plot points are dumb
Star Wars Episode IX: No, you’re dumb

Remember when Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize just for existing? That feels like an important step on the path to Trump.

They’ve never even confirmed COVID-19 is real, except with like microscopes.

I feel like if Trump squeaks out a win or if Biden has a close win or if Biden has a landslide or if Trump has a landslide, I’m just going to nod and say, “Yep. Makes sense.”

Probably the worst people in this country are millionaires ranting about billionaires.

If I was president, I would have just told scientists, “Hey! Create a vaccine and make it snappy!” and we would have avoided this whole mess.
And I wouldn’t have fiddled around with any mask mandates. I would have just said, “Hey, country, we’re going to pretend to be ninjas for the next couple months.” And no one would fight me on it because everyone likes to pretend to be ninjas.

Cuties sounds like the most controversial movie out of France since Les Cousins Dangereux.

No one is against capitalism. It’s like how people complain about how modern technology is destroying us but they never follow through and live like the Amish.

I do like watching streaming TV shows, but ultimately all entertainment is optional.

Can’t believe how many people are judging the weird movie for pedos without even seeing it.

I’m pretty sure climate change is going to win. That’s why I cast my allegiance to it.

I like how in Cobra Kai Daniel’s wife reacts to everything as someone in the real world would react to it. She’s the Frank Grimes of the series.
And it’s interesting how Cobra Kai being half-hour episodes affects the feel of it. It’s very punchy, so to speak.

They should sell muffin to cupcake conversion kits.

Maybe they should just put a warning before Cuties that it’s a product of its times when people didn’t know any better.

You can tell which companies are progressive by how they have their foreign slave labor beaten if they say anything transphobic.

A good slogan for Biden: “Your great-grandparents supported him when he first ran for Senate. Shouldn’t you support him for President?”

I don’t want a “well regulated Militia.” I want a militia determined by the free market.

tries to get chant going in the cafeteria
“Joe Rogan presidential debate! Joe Rogan presidential debate!”

I’m actually really looking forward to the presidential debates. They should be crazy. If they’re boring, it will be the worst thing 2020 has done yet.

The people who riot over a police shooting without even waiting for any details to come out are not convincing me they care anything about justice.

So has anyone actually read the JK Rowling book or does the Cuties rule not apply?

Blaming fire on climate change isn’t really convincing people you’re science smart.

I believe if you win the popular vote in a presidential election, you should get a framed certificate saying so.

I keep being impressed by the writing on Avatar: The Last Airbender. Best I’ve seen for a kid’s show.

Writing a very exciting confrontation between two major characters for the next Superego. It’s exciting for me because I always realize how little I had thought out ahead of time and how much needs to be thought of on the fly.
The sweet spot is when the characters write themselves but are also surprising. You don’t want it to be too predictable — the worst is the reader knowing what will happen — but you don’t want someone to act out of character just for the surprise. It’s a balance.

Knowing about the Volume, I was initially distracted looking at the backgrounds in each scene of The Mandalorian trailer, but ultimately it was so awesome I forgot about that.

Treating science as a religion is terrible for both science and religion.

People “love science,” but it has no use for your love. It would be much better if you understood what it is and what it isn’t instead.

Read my kids this morning one of my favorite parts of the Bible: 1 Samuel 8 — which I know as God’s libertarian rant — but this time I realized something horrible about it.
In it, God, via Samuel, lays out why kings are horrible because they’ll push you around and take your stuff. To a libertarian, this seems great, as God sounds like a fellow traveler. But I realized it’s ultimately a reason for libertarians to despair.
Look at it his way: God Himself explains to the Israelites why big government is bad. And what happens? They decide to get a king anyway.
Even God can’t successfully argue for libertarianism.

I’m holding my decision on whether to vote for Trump until I see if the New York Times endorses him.

The far left are having to try to find ways to denigrate historic peace progress in the Middle East.
Does it ever to occur to them that maybe, just maybe, they’re not any better than the people they hate?

I think a lot of confusion stems from the fact that to most people the word “woman” means “human female” and they don’t understand why it would mean anything other than that.

I don’t get people and all their pronouns. If you’re not a professional writer, stick to regular nouns.

Overthink King

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.