Dress Code

Submitted by Slapout:

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  1. That’s funny. The restaurant is in Asheville, NC. I pass by it all the time. Parking lot is always full, so I imagine the BBQ must be good. We keep saying we need to eat there and sample it, but we have so many other favorite restaurants there, we never get around to it. Now, Asheville has voted to defund its police force by almost $1M, so there’s less reason to visit there. It’s the San Francisco of the East Coast. So sad to see lefties tear down a wonderful city.

    google maps street view of the place: https://www.google.com/maps/@35.5742581,-82.5505702,3a,38.8y,148.3h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sV_ScL9YCESs8lFxOFuuvXQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    The picture is from an image generator. I’ve seen the same picture with other clever messages.

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