Thursday Night Open Thread

I’ve never been much of a Cat Stevens fan. Sure, some of his early stuff was okay, but I never liked anything enough to actually spend money on any of his stuff, 45s or LPs. But, if his songs came on the radio, I didn’t immediately reach for the button, either.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Link of the Day: Our Comic Book Movie World

Submitted by Slapout:


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Promoted Comment: Pedo-Goat Injunction

By none other than Bob B :

(To the tune of “Petticoat Junction”)

Come join the BLM as we’re rolling down the tracks to the conference
Forget about the past, it is time for reparations at the conference

Lotsa lies, you bet
Even more, when you get
To the conference
(Petty, short conference )

There’s a little cabal called the Mainstream Press at the conference
(Petty, short conference )
It is run by Kamala, come and be her guest at the conference
(Petty, short conference )
And that’s Uncle Joe, he’s a movin’ kind of slow at the conference

Petty, short conference

Job SeCURE-ity

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Biggest Story of the Last Twenty Years

Keepers Baffled as Emu Stolen From Australian Park / Feb. 13, 2013

Keepers at an Australian wildlife park said they were concerned and baffled at the theft of an emu in a night raid, saying it would be frightened and possibly injured.

The tall female bird was discovered missing from Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydney’s western suburbs early Tuesday. Her enclosure contained a large quantity of feathers, indicating a struggle.

“It looks like the emu may have sustained injuries during the theft,” park curator Chad Staples said in a statement.

“The theft and injuries sustained would have been traumatic enough but if the animal is still alive, it will be feeling additional stress being in an unfamiliar environment.”

Police are investigating the theft of the native flightless bird, which park workers believe was carried out by more than one person given the difficulty in herding the erratic animal.

“It’s unbelievable,” Staples told national broadcaster ABC.

“I understand to a degree when you’re talking about an animal that has significant monetary value, but an emu?”

Straight Line of the Day: In Your Tell-All Book About Trump, You Will Reveal That…

Straight Line of the Day: In your tell-all book about Trump, you will reveal that…

Welcome to IMAO… Not Pointing Any Fingers, But Some Guys Are Taking Their Own Sweet Time Getting to Their Keyboards

Caption This! Bonus Picture!

Got a bonus Caption this! Get to it.

Kraken Up Soon

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.