Saturday Night Hootenanny

Good evening and time for the Hootenanny. I worked with the Emu on this so there is a “What connects all these?” question involved and the one who solves it will win a new Award. Which I will make up shortly.

So without further ado since we had enough do already…

Herr Kapellmeister, play on!

IMAO Time Machine: Fun Facts About the 50 States: South Dakota

Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States, where – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting, yet completely useless and probably untrue, information about each of the 50 states.

This week, we’ll be shocked to realize that no minorities actually live in the Black Hills and the name is just a scam to get Federal Affirmative Action Funding as we visit South Dakota. So let’s get started…

South Dakota state flag
Mount Rushmore is not depicted on the South Dakota flag for fear that a cartoon of the sacred mountain would spark riots among its zealous worshippers.
  • South Dakota became the 40th state on November 2, 1889. The word “South” in the name is somewhat deceptive, since the state actually contains no hillbillies, alligators, or temperatures above freezing.
  • The state bird of South Dakota is the ring-necked pheasant. When hunting these, try not to shoot a ring-nosed teenager by mistake.
  • South Dakota’s license plates have blue numbers on a white background and say “Bison: the other red meat” across the bottom.
  • The state motto of South Dakota is “When the Crazy Horse monument is finished, we’ll TELL you… Now STOP ASKING!”
  • South Dakota’s nickname is “The bored people with mountains and explosives state.”
  • Although there’s enough room for Bill Clinton on Mount Rushmore, he hasn’t been added for fear that no one would recognize him without a kneeling intern.
  • Good luck trying to find a mountain big enough to fit Monica’s hips on.
  • Lemmon, South Dakota is famous for its petrified forest. Undisturbed for 50 million years, it still contains many of its original petrified environmental activist protesters.
  • When it was built in 1832, the American Fur Company’s trading post in Fort Pierre, South Dakota, was the largest one in the US, and was best know for its marketing slogan “Fur: Because she’s not going to put out for denim.”
  • Belle Fourche, South Dakota, is the geographical center of the United States. It’s populated mostly by people who find Mexicans, Canadians, Californians, and New Yorkers equally repulsive.
  • Personally, I’m thinking about moving to Greenland, since I’m only disgusted by the French and people from New Jersey.
  • Clark, South Dakota, is home to the world famous annual Mashed Potato Wrestling contest. Rumor has it that the contest is rigged, since the mashed potato always wins.
  • South Dakota’s Custer State Park is home to a herd of 1,500 free-roaming bison, 1,448 of which must be cut from the roster by the time they play the Budweiser Clydesdales in this year’s Super Bowl commercial.
  • When completed, the Crazy Horse monument near Hill City, South Dakota, will be the world’s largest sculpture. The project will be completed without a single dollar of government money, which explains why Crazy Horse isn’t holding a urine-dipped crucifix.
  • South Dakota’s Badlands National Park contains the worlds richest fossil bed, which holds such ancient artifacts as Tyrannosaurus skeletons, Triceratops eggs, and Beatles 45s.
  • The Sage Creek Wilderness Area is where the highly endangered black-footed ferret is being re-introduced. For those not familiar with ferrets, they’re small mammals, more ratlike than weasels, but less weaselly than lawyers or the French.
  • South Dakota’s famous Black Hills aren’t actually black. They only appear that way from a distance because they’re covered by pine trees – an effect similar to what happens when Rosie O’Donnell doesn’t get her upper lip waxed for a couple days.
  • At 7,242 feet, South Dakota’s Harney Peak is the highest point in the U.S. east of the Rockies, and will likely be carved into a statue of Wilt Chamberlain at some point.
  • Sturgis, South Dakota, is home to the annual Black Hills Classic Motorcycle Rally. It’s easy to find – just look for the crowd of burly, leather-clad guys. Make sure it’s not the Black Hills Classic S & M Rally, though.
  • Unless you’re into that sort of thing. In which case… call me.
  • The Pioneer Auto Museum in Murdo, South Dakota, houses more than 250 rare automobiles, including the Tucker, the Edsel, and Powell Motors’ infamous Homer.
  • The Flaming Fountain on South Dakota State Capitol Lake is fed by an artesian well with natural gas content so high that it can be lit. The sight inspires both awe and the question, “how do you put out burning water?”
  • The Crystal Springs Ranch Rodeo Arena in Clear Lake, South Dakota was built on a drained duck pond. When the duck pond was initially drained, workers found a dead rabbit at the bottom with a sign around its neck that said “I TOLD you it was wabbit season.”
  • The Silent Guide Monument in Philip, South Dakota is a 14-foot pile of flat stones assembled by a shepherd to mark a waterhole that never goes dry. Ironically, the waterhole itself had been created years earlier by an architect as a way to mark an abundant source of flat stones.
  • The largest underground goldmine in the U.S. is the Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota. Ground was first broken on it by the six dwarves who were voted out of CBS’s “Survivor: Snow White’s Cottage.”
  • The USS South Dakota is recognized as the most decorated battleship during World War II. Although, the USS John Kerry actually won MORE medals, it threw them all over a fence, so it doesn’t really count.
  • The Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan, first published in 1861, is South Dakota’s oldest newspaper. It’s first headline was the now-famous criticism of the Civil War: “Lincoln lied! Weevils died!”
  • The Prairie Rattlesnake is the only venomous snake native to South Dakota. It’s generally a light brown color, with a yellow underside and four dark, presidential-head-shaped blotches on its back.
  • Hot Springs, South Dakota features the largest collection of Wooly Mammoth bones in the world. Wooly Mammoths were large, hairy beasts that killed their prey by sitting on it and crushing it into a pile of goo. Much as its modern-day cousin – the Michael Moore – hunts Twinkies today.

That wraps up the South Dakota edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week we’ll be stocking up on souvenir Elvis shades as we visit Tennessee.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go call and see if Crazy Horse is finished yet.

[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from]

Situational Ethics

I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens . . . Because It’s Not

Thousands Saw a UFO in New Jersey. It Was the Goodyear Blimp.

Sept. 17, 2020

It was like the opening scene from a movie: cars pulled over on a busy freeway, with everyone gawking in disbelief at what they were seeing.

Drivers in New Jersey this week thought a flying saucer was hovering above them.

But in reality, it was just another day in 2020 and the UFO was an aircraft from planet Earth: the Goodyear Blimp.

From this angle it looks more metal but ya I can see how it looks like a blimp
— Jacob Fuentes (@JacobFu87635897) September 15, 2020

Understandably, there are a few expletives in these videos. However, a representative from Goodyear confirmed to several news outlets that the famous blimp flew through New York and northern New Jersey to capture footage of the Monday Night Football game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Giants.

In Case You Were on the Fence About This

Ted Cruz Explains Perfectly Why RBG’s Seat Must Be Filled Before the Election
PJ Media | 18 Sep 2020 | Matt Margolis

Republican Senator Ted Cruz says President Donald Trump needs to nominate a successor Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg next week, and that the Senate should confirm that choice or the country risks a constitutional crisis.

“I believe that the president should, next week, nominate a successor to the court. I think it is critical that the Senate takes up and confirms that successor before Election Day,” Senator Cruz told Sean Hannity on Fox News.

Democrats and Joe Biden have made clear they intend to challenge this election. They intend to fight the legitimacy of the election. As you you know Hillary Clinton has told Joe Biden ‘under no circumstances should you concede, you should challenge this election.’ and we cannot have election day come and go with a 4-4 court.”

Cruz continued, “A 4-4 court that is equally divided cannot decide anything. And I think we risk a constitutional crisis if we do not have a nine-justice Supreme Court, particularly when there is such a risk of … a contested election.”

Cruz then shared his experience litigating Bush vs. Gore case and how the country didn’t know for 37 days who the president-elect was. “I think we have the responsibility to do our job. The president should nominate a principled constitutionalist with a proven record and the Senate … should do our job and protect the country from the constitutional crisis that could result otherwise.”

Too Few Men on the Field

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

DamnCat Stevens?

DB Dukes!

He’s faster on the draw than I am. DARN him! Here’s his song parody. Followed by mine.

In the spirit of Walrus, who did it better? Frankly, I like his better, because it doesn’t go off on a tangent.

{Shakes fist} DB Dukes!!

DB Dukes’ version:

Oh, I’m being followed by a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker
Dodgin’ and runnin’ from a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker

And if I ever take your rights, take your guns, take your land
Oh if I ever win the race, my voters won’t have to work no more
And though can’t believe your eyes, only color matters now
BLM gives orders now, and we jump and say “How high?”

But I’m being followed by a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker
Dodgin’ and runnin’ from a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker

They follow all my moves, as I slowly lose my mind
If oppose me they do try, “racists” I will cry.
And they tell about my fall, into madness, which I hide
Yes, they’re truly telling all, and so stop them I will try.

But I’m being followed by a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker
Dodgin’ and runnin’ from a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker

My stupid second-place version:

{Shakes fist} “DB Dukes!!”

Oh, I’m being followed by a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Leaping to conclusions like a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker

And if my comment’s ever banned, for reasons I don’t understand,
Oh if I ever show my hand, Oh if… I won’t Fizzbin any more.
And if I ever lose my mind, judge men by color, humor runs dry,
Yes if I ever lose my mind, Oh if… I won’t quote Blazing Saddles any more.

Yes I’m being followed by a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Quoting by permission like a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker

And have you ever seen Maryanne’s legs? I mean, I won’t moan, and I won’t beg,
Yes, but if you’ve ever seen her legs? Oh if… I don’t have to talk no more.
And then what about Ginger too? Rosy lips, kicky hairdo..
Yes if I ever have to choose, Oh if… I can’t ever choose.

Does it take long to comment? I ask the faithful crew…
Does it take long to comment? And what’s up with the freaking emu?

I’m being followed by a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Leapin’ and hoppin’ like a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker

Your National Press, Even Harder at Work

I’m not lying: here is the fourth paragraph of a “Yahoo News” article by their National Security Correspondent, Sean D. Naylor, apparently in the belief that Yahoo readers require this background:

Biden is Trump’s Democratic opponent in the upcoming election.

Now mail in your votes, well-informed citizen!

Full context:

Russia working to help reelect President Trump, FBI chief says
Yahoo News | September 17th, 2020 | Sean D. Naylor National Security Correspondent

WASHINGTON — Russia is mounting “very active efforts” to interfere with the U.S. election to benefit President Trump, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress on Thursday.

Unlike their activities during the 2016 presidential election, the Russians do not seem to be using their cyber capabilities to target the U.S. election infrastructure, according to Wray. Instead, the Kremlin’s approach is one of “malign foreign influence,” with Russia utilizing “social media, use of proxies, state media, online journals, etc.,” he told a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Without mentioning Trump by name, the FBI director said Russia’s actions represent “an effort to both sow divisiveness and discord and … to denigrate Vice President [Joe] Biden and what the Russians see as kind of an anti-Russian establishment.”

Biden is Trump’s Democratic opponent in the upcoming election.

I wonder if Wray’s mention of “state media” meant Russia’s — in which case, who cares, and why is that the FBI’s business? — or America’s — in which case, WTF?

Your National Press, Hard at Work at . . . Something

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

South Lawn | September 17, 2020

THE PRESIDENT:  So we’re going to Wisconsin.  We have a big crowd, as you know.  Some of you are coming with us.  A lot of good things are happening.  Very, very positive things.

Any questions?

Q: Mr. President, why did the White House not mail five reusable masks to every household in America, through the Post Office?

THE PRESIDENT:  I don’t understand.  Go ahead.

Moves on to next reporter.

I love this guy.

Appoint a Constitutionalist Supreme Court Justice, Mr. President

As FrankJ often says, the left has dialed it up to 11 for so long now that no one even pays attention.

So, Democrats are now admitting that Supreme Court justices are political creatures, not impartial arbiters of the Constitution? Good to know.

I don’t think it can be stated better than this comment:

or what…
They’ll riot in the streets? They’ll burn down the cities? Wall off parts of their own towns as autonomous riot zones? Occupy Wall Street? Occupy White House? Days of Rage? Jihad? What, are they going to fly a plane into a building? Block the streets and pull people out of their cars and beat them to death?

They should have kept their powder dry for something important. Instead they wasted all their violence capital on worthless street thug criminals and trying to defund the police departments. Now they’re overextended and people are sick of the stupidity.

That’s what i think anyway.

Straight Line of the Day: You On Your Deathbed: “My Most Fervent Wish Is…”

Straight Line of the Day: You on your deathbed: “My most fervent wish is…”

Your loved ones:

“Yes? Yes? . . . “

Welcome to IMAO. Bring This to Biden Election HQ, Will You?

Cancel Culture

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Term Limits

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