Tuesday Night Open Thread

As we continue the catch-up of number one hits of the Big Band era, making corrections and clarifications along the way (because I previously used an incomplete source for my information), we come to another chart topper that didn’t top the charts.

This one did top the Record Buying Guide charts (Billboard’s Jukebox chart, which was the official chart for most of 1940), though it only peaked at number 6 on the Best Sellers (generally considered today as the official chart of the era). Still, a chart topper is a chart topper, and usually means a good song. A popular one, no doubt, since it topped the Juke Box Buying Guide.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

The chart information is from Billboard magazine, as compiled by Record Research. Chart data is copyright 1939-1954, BPI Communications.


GPS technology attached to emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) has reinforced the role the world’s second largest extant bird plays in dispersing seeds in the environment as well as indicate they have started moving with purpose rather than wandering aimlessly.

Listen to Them. They’re Pre-Meds

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

If I Used This Guy’s Name for a Fictional Scientist, My Editor Would Insist I Change It

New Calculation Refines Comparison of Matter With Antimatter

Brookhaven National Laboratory / Phys.org / Sept. 16, 2020

“The need for a difference between matter and antimatter is built into the modern theory of the cosmos,” said Norman Christ of Columbia University.

“Our current understanding is that the present universe was created with nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Except for the tiny effects being studied here, matter and antimatter should be identical in every way, beyond conventional choices such as assigning negative charge to one particle and positive charge to its anti-particle. Some difference in how these two types of particles operate must have tipped the balance to favor matter over antimatter,” he said.

“Any differences in matter and antimatter that have been observed to date are far too weak to explain the predominance of matter found in our current universe,” he continued.

. . . although no one specifically asked him to . . .

“Finding a significant discrepancy between an experimental observation and predictions based on the Standard Model would potentially point the way to new mechanisms of particle interactions that lie beyond our current understanding—and which we hope to find to help to explain this imbalance.”

You Had One Job

Title and images submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

“You Can’t Manhandle the Truth”

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Why Spend That Sweet Grant Money When You Can Get The Public To Do Your Work for Free?

Solar Storm Forecasts for Earth Improved With Help From the Public

University of Reading / Phys.org / Sept. 18, 2020

Solar storm analysis carried out by an army of citizen scientists has helped researchers devise a new and more accurate way of forecasting when Earth will be hit by harmful space weather.

“Darth! Be sure to wear your helmet and grab your space umbrella. It looks like we’re in for some bad space weather!”

Straight Line of the Day: If People Took Songs Literally…

Straight Line of the Day: If people took songs literally…

Welcome to IMAO! Let’s Just Stipulate Frank Likes Squares and Christianity, OK?

By the way, how did Walrus get that viewing station in the building on the right?

Caption this!

Gentlemen I know I shan’t be disappointed. Shan’t.


Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.