Midnight Special

Everyone survive the debate okay? No debating tonight’s star attraction. We have the one, and only…

Miss Emmylou Harris

Get the stereo cranked up.

Swiped Off the Internet

Just saw this; had to share it.

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How I Saw Last Night’s Debate

Title and image created by Comrade Chairman Obama:

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By the Law of Averages, Some Science Fiction Ideas Have To Turn Out To Be True

Could There Be a Form of Life Inside Stars?

Brian Koberlein, Universe Today | Phys.org | Sept. 11, 2020

The surface of a neutron star. Credit: NASA

There has been plenty of speculation about alien life.

. . . and I’m not saying there hasn’t been . . .

Much of it has centered on life that isn’t carbon-based.

Could Titan have nitrogen-based life, where methane replaces the role of water?

Could silicon serve as the fundamental element?

Would organisms depend on sand the way plants on Earth depend on carbon-rich soil?

Could organic life survive in the cold depths of space, perhaps on icy comets in the Oort cloud?

But there are some, often writers of science fiction, who have explored even wilder ideas for life. In the 1980s, author Robert L. Forward proposed a form of life based not on atoms, but atomic nuclei. In “Dragon’s Egg,” he described a species known as the cheela, who lived on the surface of a neutron star. Because nuclear interactions occur at a much faster rate than atomic chemistry, the cheela civilization moves from simple tools to advanced technology in the span of a month.

(Huh. Another name that would be rejected as too improbable for a science-fiction writer.)

Yes, but without atomic chemistry, could the cheela ever evolve something equivalent to Raquel Welch? Inquiring minds want to know.

Straight Line of the Day: The “Daily Mail” Ran a Story on How Dangerous Action Park Was. Fond Amusement Park Memories Include…

Straight Line of the Day: The “Daily Mail” ran a story on how dangerous Action Park was. Fond amusement park memories include…

(… well, of course, that time the ride operator told Joe Pesci he was too short to get on a ride…)

Welcome to IMAO! Oh, That? That Was a Mere Test. Step Over It. Welcome, Mr. Bond, Welcome! Welcome!

Random Thoughts: ACB and First Debate

People tend not to notice bigotry they don’t care about (or actually support), but those it’s directed against notice little else.

Seems like something very wrong happened in the Breonna Taylor case — whether the approval of the raid or the manner in which the raid was conducted — but the law does not recognize it as wrong.

Peaceful transition of power? What was the last peaceful day we had?

I bristle a bit about calling the Breonna Taylor shooting “tragic” as I think that undersells things. The way those raids were done, this was bound to happen. It’s like someone who drunk drives all the time and one day has an accident that kills someone. It was inevitable.
That’s also why I was never on the “arrest the police officers” movement. It seemed myopic. Most likely the main failings that led to Breonna Taylor’s death were higher up.

I guess I’m just kind of used to Trump saying authoritarian nonsense and then his actions being about the same as any other politician. Trump is the only politician I know of whose rhetoric is worse than his actions.

It might be easier and produce more clarity if people point out which things aren’t systematic racism.

To conduct raids like that — where police don’t announce themselves or can’t be sure everyone inside knows what’s happening — is a choice to occasionally kill innocent people. That seems like something that should be done for more dire reasons than “I tawt I taw some drugs.”

The state reserves for itself the right to initiate violence — to use violence in response to non-violent action (e.g. not paying taxes). You are not being a good American if you aren’t hyper-critical of this. It should never be taken lightly.

If Trump is reelected, that would set a record for consecutive two-term presidents, wouldn’t it?

Everyone getting all worked up every time Trump acts like Trump feels like a dog barking every time the vacuum is turned on.

If it’s a pre-existing condition, you don’t really want health insurance. You want health care.
But I feel like arguing health insurance should really be insurance is like one of those losing linguistic battles like proper use of the word “literally.”

It seems patronizing to explain why rioters randomly victimizing people undercut the idea they want “justice,” but a habit of the far left these days is to try to appear advanced in thinking by pretending not to understand simple things.

I don’t actually know much about Amy Coney Barrett. Does she think the Constitution actually means something in limiting government power and its meaning doesn’t suddenly change because people think they now know better?
There’s this concept called “the rule of law” where the law means the same thing each day and applies equally to all people. It’s kind of a radical concept, but I think it’s worth looking into.

My 5yo daughter to my 7yo son while they’re watching Rise of the Skywalker: “Stop making fun of my favorite movie!”
Ugh. At least she didn’t pick The Last Jedi.

When she was four, she just suddenly got into Star Wars for some reason and really loved Rey and “Ben Solo.” Then she saw Rise of the Skywalker in the theater and was blown away by it (“Rey’s a Skywalker now!!!”). So I can only ever dislike the sequel trilogy so much.

Latino: a person of Latin American origin or descent
Latinx: a Latino being addressed by an extremely white person

Aww. ACB’s youngest child has Down syndrome.

The far-left have come up with a different kind of fascism and call it “anti-fascism” and a different kind of racism and call it “anti-racism.” They’re no better than who they rage against.

Many on the left are not going to be able to help themselves from making hateful attacks against ACB because for them their main motivator is hatred against certain types of people much more than some sort of coherent ideological stance.
There’s nothing particular about ACB that led to them hating her; it’s just what she represents (she’s the “other side”). So they started with hatred and now it’s grasping for justification.

ACB should have been like that Merrick Garland who refused to accept a nomination in circumstances like this.

So are Democrats going to be able to do anything about ACB other than shake their fists? I guess they can also make some threats about what they’ll do if they get the Senate and the presidency, but they’ll need Biden onboard.

If he paid what taxes he owed, good. It’s immoral to pay more taxes than you need. Every dollar in the government goes there to die, while dollars that stay in the economy can breed and reproduce.
I’ve just never gotten caring what someone else pays in taxes. Seems very unAmerican.
I find what people pay in charity much more revealing, especially those who go on and on about how we have to care for the poor but give nothing of their own wealth toward it.
I’d say it’s your American duty to use your wealth to help others as we’re such a rich country.
But man, don’t pay a buck more in taxes than you need to.

I do agree that Trump paying $750 in taxes is much weirder than him paying nothing.

Enola Holmes was cute. Good “free” movie; better than usual straight to Netflix fair.

Trump is so selfless he passed a massive tax cut knowing he wouldn’t benefit from it since he already doesn’t pay income taxes.

I didn’t know either Millie Bobby Brown or Henry Cavill was British until I saw that Enola Holmes. What’s it with British actors stealing all the American parts?

Have they ever thought about adding instant replay to professional wrestling?
“Though the ref missed it, instant replay does in fact show illegal use of a folding chair.”

Emojis are for twelve-year-old girls. A man should never use them because he has no emotion to express through them.

Logically, it looks like Trump is going to get walloped in the election, but in my gut I still expect him to get re-elected.
2016 beat the idea of making predictions out of me, though.

Want to have fun on election night no matter who wins? Try Not Caring™. It worked out great for me in 2016 and promises a fun end to 2020.

Fargo season 4 is out?
Man, it’s hard to keep track of shows these days. It is September, so I guess a lot of shows still shackled to networks should be coming out.
Wish I had known about Fargo last night because we needed a new show and went with Outlander on wife’s suggestion. I was all fine to check it out, but then she read me a defense of it that it wasn’t just for women. I did not know it needed a defense.
It seems like a chick show. But I guess the Battlestar Galactica guy is involved.

I think we as a country deserve a completely insane debate that will be talked about centuries from now.

I didn’t think Trump’s “Sleepy Joe” nickname for Biden had much legs, but Biden better not fall asleep during the debate today or it might stick.

If Biden loses the election, a great headline would be “GOOD-BYE-DEN”.
Just thinking ahead.

Chris Wallace needs to yell out a good “I am the law here!” to get them both under control.

Biden trying to say “systemic” was not a good idea.

I think both candidates did great. I’m really excited we have these two great choices, though it’s a bit agonizing we can each only pick one.

Arty Truth Over Artifacts

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