DamnCat Stevens?

DB Dukes!

He’s faster on the draw than I am. DARN him! Here’s his song parody. Followed by mine.

In the spirit of Walrus, who did it better? Frankly, I like his better, because it doesn’t go off on a tangent.

{Shakes fist} DB Dukes!!

DB Dukes’ version:

Oh, I’m being followed by a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker
Dodgin’ and runnin’ from a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker

And if I ever take your rights, take your guns, take your land
Oh if I ever win the race, my voters won’t have to work no more
And though can’t believe your eyes, only color matters now
BLM gives orders now, and we jump and say “How high?”

But I’m being followed by a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker
Dodgin’ and runnin’ from a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker

They follow all my moves, as I slowly lose my mind
If oppose me they do try, “racists” I will cry.
And they tell about my fall, into madness, which I hide
Yes, they’re truly telling all, and so stop them I will try.

But I’m being followed by a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker
Dodgin’ and runnin’ from a Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker, Moon Nuker

My stupid second-place version:

{Shakes fist} “DB Dukes!!”

Oh, I’m being followed by a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Leaping to conclusions like a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker

And if my comment’s ever banned, for reasons I don’t understand,
Oh if I ever show my hand, Oh if… I won’t Fizzbin any more.
And if I ever lose my mind, judge men by color, humor runs dry,
Yes if I ever lose my mind, Oh if… I won’t quote Blazing Saddles any more.

Yes I’m being followed by a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Quoting by permission like a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker

And have you ever seen Maryanne’s legs? I mean, I won’t moan, and I won’t beg,
Yes, but if you’ve ever seen her legs? Oh if… I don’t have to talk no more.
And then what about Ginger too? Rosy lips, kicky hairdo..
Yes if I ever have to choose, Oh if… I can’t ever choose.

Does it take long to comment? I ask the faithful crew…
Does it take long to comment? And what’s up with the freaking emu?

I’m being followed by a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Leapin’ and hoppin’ like a moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker
Moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker, moon nuker

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