Imagine John Lennon Holding This Sign

He was a contrarian and a free-thinker.

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    On the Floor

    In the mission, on the floor, he is seizing. His eyes are rolling back. He is crashing. I rub his sternum with my knuckles through his blood soaked shirt.

    Michael! You stay awake for me. God does not want you to die!

    Michael’s been stabbed in the throat.

    A staff member is applying pressure to the wound with a blue wash cloth as he prays.

    “Huh, wha?”

    Michael starts breathing. He’s gripping my felt hand.

    Michael! Talk to me! Your have to stay awake. Tell me you favorite apostle.

    His eyes focus, “It’s Daniel.”

    Why? Tell me.

    “He was brave. He fought the lion.”

    He seizes again and stops breathing. His hand let go.

    I don’t. I rub his chest with me right hand hard. My gloves are bloody.

    Michael. God does not want you yet. God wants you to fight and be brave like Daniel.

    Five seconds pass, then ten.

    The staff member asks, “Should we start CPR?”

    Give it a second.

    And Michael’s back, breathing, squeezing my hand.

    He says, “I want justice.”

    You can’t have justice if you die. Tell me who did this?

    Pony Pete. He stabbed me.

    Pony Pete?

    “He’s wearing a hoody.”

    As his eyes roll back, the convulsions start again….

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