Many of Us Are Already Worrying About This

Could workplaces require all employees to get a vaccine?

Employers’ Latest Quandary: COVID-19 Vaccines
Human Resource Executive | September 16, 2020 | Carol Patton

The eventual COVID-19 vaccine is primed to create a legal showdown for many employers.

According to a summer Gallup poll, 35% of Americans would not get a free, FDA-approved vaccine if it were available today.

This places companies in a predicament. How can they protect their employees if more than one-third are unwilling to take the vaccine?

The default rule in the American workplace—excluding employers in Montana and Puerto Rico—is to observe at-will employment, which generally means employees can be terminated for any reason if it’s not illegal or prohibited by employment contracts or collective bargaining agreements…

My body, my choice.

But that argument doesn’t work in smoke-free zones, does it?


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