Know Your Noemi

She has a gift for words:

History Will Thank Trump (and Obama) for Keeping Hillary Clinton Out of Office
Washington Examiner | 9/16/2020 | Noemi Emery

Win or may lose in November, there is one thing for which people will forever praise President Trump: Just when it counted, at the moment of crisis with all on the line, he threw his body into the line of incoming fire — and prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president.

Deserving of thanks also is President Barack Obama, who in the 2008 primary defeated Clinton and kept her out of office through his two terms until Trump could step up to the job. The importance of what these people did becomes more impressive when one recalls that the plot to make Clinton president, whether she had earned it or not, had been decades in the making. Some say it stemmed from the 1980s in Arkansas, or even before that, when she and her husband met at Yale.

“Two for the price of one!” the pair chirped while campaigning in 1992, (happily described as the “Year of the Woman”), while Hillary was sold as a “New Kind of First Lady,” seemingly meaning a sort of co-president, until healthcare blew up in her face. With that, she retired into more traditional duties.

Until, of course, she was called on again during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which made her sympathetic at once to “traditional women,” whom she at the beginning appeared to despise. And then at the end, she became “the wronged woman,” (as opposed to the wrong one), sold as the victim-survivor deserving of everyone’s praise.

Because she had been forced to listen in excruciating detail to every last fact of her husband’s betrayal, she was given a seat in the Senate representing New York (which she never had lived in) and a fast track to her party’s nomination for president in 2008…


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