McCain Again? Is That All They’ve Got?

Trump interaction with the non-partisan press, Sept. 4, 2020

Q: Mr. President, I just want to ask you about something you said a while back; it’s been talked about many, many, times. Back in 2015, you said that you didn’t think John McCain was a hero, that you prefer people who don’t get captured.

In — in light of all that’s happened since then and all you’ve learned, do you regret saying that? Is that something you wish you had not said?

Now, how in the world did this reporter just happen to think of this question — among all other breaking news — well before the Washington Post’s Woodward story broke on Sept. 9th about the president allegedly disrespecting veterans?

It couldn’t have been a trap to make a broader statement about all veterans, which could then be used to make him look like a liar due to their fake story.

Could it?

Well, sorry, media jerks, he didn’t fall for it.

Now we know that 5 days is the average time between the day they plant a trap and try to spring it.

THE PRESIDENT: I — look, I — I say what I say. And I never got along with John McCain. I disagreed with John McCain. You know that better than anybody, frankly. I wasn’t a fan. I disagreed with many of his views. I disagreed with his views on these ridiculous, endless wars. I disagreed with the way he handled the vets, the VA. The VA is running much better now — and we did with the MISSION Act, and the Accountability, and all the things we’ve done for the VA. He — he was not able to do that.

But I disagreed with John McCain on a lot of things. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect him. I respected him, but I really disagreed with him on a lot of things. And I think I was right; I think time has proven me right, to a large extent.


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