Straight Line of the Day: Typical Statement by a Liberal D.A. (Devil’s Advocate): ….

Straight Line of the Day: Typical statement by a liberal D.A. (Devil’s Advocate): ….


  1. “Harmony and understanding
    Sympathy and trust abounding
    No more falsehoods or derisions
    Golden living dreams of visions
    Mystic crystal revelation
    And the mind’s true liberation….”

    We therefore have decided to no longer prosecute murderers, thugs, pugs, pedophiles etc.

  2. …Release the craven!!!

    …We were a nation of laws, now we are a nation, of Obama’s.

    …Elections have consequences, and we fix the elections.

    …(kids singing) We don’t need no education. You just need some thought control.
    D.A.: How can we have any hopers if we lock up all the changers?

    …Affirmative action, higher.

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