Thursday Night Open Thread

Never really got into George Thorogood. Now, I know to some, that’s blasphemy, but ol’ George just never did it for me. I’ll accept that I’m in the minority and learn to live with it.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Mother Nature Asks: “Got Any More Titanics?”

Everybody Likes Spam

And here we learn just a little more about our site:

This wonderful and very well written article reminded me of when I had big problems with teeth, cavities and
pain, yellow and ugly teeth, then I found a simple way to rebuild my
teeth and gums and get rid of tooth decay.

Ah. Not exactly the reaction we were going for, but. . . .

Very soon this web page will be famous among all blogging and
site-building visitors, due to it’s pleasant content.

OK. And the winner is:

This logic unsettles me …

Yes, I Was Stupid at 20, But Not This Stupid

Man “Asleep” in Speeding Self-Driving Car Charged in Canada

TechXplore | | September 18, 2020

A driver who allegedly set his car to autopilot and then took a nap as it broke the speed limit on a rural Canadian highway has been charged with dangerous driving, police said.

The incident took place near the town of Ponoka in Alberta province, the local force said in a tweet on Thursday.

“The car appeared to be self-driving, travelling over 140 km/h with both front seats completely reclined & occupants appeared to be asleep,” it said.

According to Canadian public broadcaster CBC, the car was an electric Tesla model set to autopilot and the man charged was 20 years old.

The speed limit on that section of the highway is 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph), it added. Police Sergeant Darrin Turnbull told CBC that he was “speechless” and had not seen such a case in his two-decade career—”but of course the technology wasn’t there.”

“Nobody was looking out the windshield to see where the car was going,” he said.

So how did they pull it over?

Biden Handlers Prepare for Next Debate

Straight Line of the Day: October Surprise! Suddenly, It’s Revealed That Trump…

Straight Line of the Day: October Surprise! Suddenly, it’s revealed that Trump…

Welcome to IMAO! Please Pause To Read the Tribute to Harvey on the Left

The one to the Emu will appear shortly before the one to Walrus

Cartoons and Memes

What Took ‘Em So Long?

Submitted by Slapout:

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