Tuesday Night Open Thread

When we covered the number one hits of 1940 some time back, we missed this one from September of that year.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Terrific Idea

Submitted by Fnord:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Bon Appetit

From the Comments section on a news aggregator:

“Let’s go out to eat, 2020 style…

1. Arrive at restaurant, fish three month old single-use surgical mask out of car’s filthy cupholder (still slightly sticky from this morning’s 84oz diet Pepsi).

2. Strap up with three month old single-use surgical mask. MAGICAL ANTI-GERM BARRIER ENGAGE!!!

3. Proceed into restaurant, opening door with same handle grabbed by 200 people so far today

4. Hostess has immediate seating for your woke party of three. Walk past entire restaurant of unmasked people. It’s ok, they’re sitting.


6. Safely within your anti-germ forcefield, remove mask. Browse menu while making relaxed inhales of the same recirculated AC air previously inside the lungs of the 200 people that also grabbed the door handle.

7. Waitress drops off drinks bare handed.

8. Grab drink with your bare hand. Sip leisurely, secure in knowing you’re within your anti-germ forcefield of seatedness.

9. Too many drinks. Need to pee. Don the magical anti-germ barrier mask as you leave your anti-germ forcefield of seatedness.

10. Walk past 40 unmasked restaurant patrons. Open bathroom with same door knob grabbed by 100 other people so far today.

11. Return to table past same 40 unmasked restaurant patrons.

12. Remove mask. Once again safe in your anti-germ forcefield of seatedness. Waitress takes your sweaty drink glass with her bare hand, refills, hands back to you. You accept with your bare hand. Grab some bread and eat it. Same hand. Yum Yum.

13. Meal complete. Mask on. Walk past 40 unmasked patrons. Make full body contact with at least 4 people waiting at the hostess stand as you squeeze your way back to the door – no matter, they’re all also wearing their magical anti-germ barriers.

14. Grab exit handle, which you are now the 220th person of the day to touch. Eating out successful.

15. Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that even after leaving the protection of your home and venturing out into the scary world of the public, you are essentially sterile thanks to your state approved methods of magical germ mitigation.”

Straight Line of the Day: The Way To Tell Republicans From Democrats at the Store Is…

Straight Line of the Day: The way to tell Republicans from Democrats at the store is…

Welcome to IMAO! Your Blue Thing Is Waiting for You

Caption This!

I know I’m going to get chills, and they’ll be multiplying.

Looks Like You’ve Been Held Back a Few Years

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

U. S. Navy: 245 years

Navy birthday

October 13, 1775. The Second Continental Congress authorized the purchase of two ships and established the Continental Navy.

Today marks the 245th anniversary of the event.

[The YouTube]

Happy birthday, Navy!