Midnight Special

Through different line ups this group always hit it out of the park. Ladies and Gents…

The Temptations

UNSPECIFIED – JANUARY 01: Photo of TEMPTATIONS; Event:, Artist: Temptations., David Ruffin, Otis Williams, Paul Williams, Melvin Franklin and Eddie Kendricks (Photo by Gilles Petard/Redferns)

On to the music!

By Comparison

Title and images submitted by Gumbeaux:

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Do We Get To See Girls in the Bikini Atoll?

Submitted by Slapout:

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Helicopter Flight Over Mars

Wow. Flying over Mars. (Courtesy of NASA.)

The map is projected here at a scale of 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) per pixel. (The original image scale is 25.1 centimeters [9.9 inches] per pixel [with 1 x 1 binning]; objects on the order of 75 centimeters [29.5 inches] across are resolved.) North is up.

The Mother of All Mistakes

Submitted by Slapout:

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A Charlie Com Christmas

Snoopy takes out the Reds (some of whom are barons) from his doghouse once and for all:

The whole TV special is decidedly non-PC, and this action only lasts about one second. But then there’s a dance sequence with the Peanuts kids, which is kind of heartwarming.

Charlie Brown: “Even my dog has gone inertial. Aaugh!”

Linus reads from the Bible, and the whole gang hums “Hark! The Azimuth Angles Zing”

Dar’shun Kendrick Clarification

Title and submission by Gumbeaux:

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Straight Line of the Day: Help Joe Biden Finish a Sentence: “If I’m Elected President, I’ll…”

Straight Line of the Day: Help Joe Biden finish a sentence: “If I’m elected President, I’ll…”

Welcome to IMAO! Watch Your Head on the Stairs! We Mean It.

Random Thoughts: ACB Confirmation and The Sound of Music

When I heard about some people going after Chris Pratt for not attending a Biden fundraiser, I just assumed it was just a handful of terrible people easily ignored. The response back to it make me think it’s much more.
So many people feel such a license for hate these days.

I would think the other news organizations would make more of a deal about The New York Post being locked out of Twitter.

I’ve decided I’m going to buy Pikmin 3 when it comes out, but I’m not sure what to do with my kids. I don’t think it’s fair they get free video games because their dad likes to play them. I certainly didn’t have that growing up.

To me, the biggest thrill in engineering is to understand maybe 7% of what I’m doing and just sort of bumble around until I get it working anyway.

Everyone can ignore politics if they want. You aren’t being a bunch of intolerable a-holes because circumstances are so unique and so dire you’re compelled to be that; you behave that way because you like it and that’s what you choose to be.

Considering he has one of the worst personalities in politics, really messed up the whole pandemic response, and has the entire news media, Hollywood, and Big Tech working overtime against him, Trump is actually doing pretty well in the polls.

I don’t know about zebras. For an exotic animal, just putting a bunch of stripes on a horse seems really lazy.

Most Trump Debate Advice: “Now if Trump could just not be Trump…”

You know all these debates are fake, right? They plan out everything they’re going to say ahead of time.

The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, but I told my kids that the next worse one is making daddy wait.

I find the arguments that Biden is notably better than Trump pretty weak.

If Trump loses in November, odds of him trying to Grover Cleveland it have to be pretty high, huh?

If Trump wins, is that it for polls? That would make them seem completely useless.

The reason all those roadrunners were separated from their birdseed was because of coyotes.

I would love if these politicians who claim they’re going to make millions of jobs with their dumb schemes started an actual business and first showed they know how to make even one job.

A bunch of people who can’t balance a checkbook want to completely remake the economy.

Oy. Just saw that dumb “Vote for Biden” email from the Expensify CEO. “I just care about democracy!” No you don’t. I’m so tired of everyone doing this dumb red versus blue stuff and pretending it’s about something more noble.

BTW, I don’t really care much about democracy as an end in itself. I like democracy when it’s protecting my rights, and am opposed to it when it’s dismantling my rights. In principle, only unimportant things — not rights — should be up for a vote.

Does Mark Kelly dressing up as Hitler mean all Democrats love Nazis?
I don’t see how you can reach any other conclusion.

Mark Kelly needs to get out ahead of this and admit he loves Hitler and hope everyone forgives him.

Is the premise in The Sound of Music that the kids are so bad they scared off the previous governesses? Because they don’t try to sell them being difficult children at all. All seven of them together seem easier to manage than one of my four.
Where did they get all these puppets? I just don’t find this movie very realistic. When do they fight Nazis?
I was thinking if this were a movie made today, there probably would have been a battle between Maria and the evil Baroness. Or the Baroness would have hired a hitman to take out Maria (“I need you to solve a problem like Maria.”).

Getting close to Election Day. Whoever wins, it will be an interesting result. What fun!

The registration deadline in Texas was weeks ago. It’s too late. Stop bothering me.
And I was only going to vote in whatever way would make you cry the most. Because you deserve it.

Do any of the Friday the 13th movies actually involve the date Friday the 13th? I can’t offhand remember it in any of them I’ve seen, but I assume the series name comes from somewhere.

If democracy is on the line the election, and any vote that isn’t for Biden is against democracy, if Biden loses, shouldn’t the democracy lovers be happy with the democratic vote against democracy?

If Trump is the most racist president ever but polls show him increasing his minority support, does that just show that woke leftists, in the eyes of many minorities, are even worse than racists?
“Wow, this guy is a racist and doesn’t think of me as an equal… but he still thinks more of me than these leftist cancel-culture psychos.”

The Democrats might as well give up. It’s impossible to beat Trump. I saw awhile ago he put some locks on mailboxes.

I was telling my daughter about how I faked a UFO photo as a kid.
“So how did you do it? Did you go on the internet and look up pictures of UFOs?”
“The internet didn’t exist yet, sweetheart. I learned how to fake UFO photos by reading books.”

My wife asked why I faked a UFO photo. I didn’t know how to answer that.

Playing the Pikmin 3 demo on Switch reminded me how much I love Pikmin, but last time I played it was Pikmin 2 which came out in 2004. Nintendo needs more Pikmin!

The Cowboy’s combination of worthless offense and worthless defense really isn’t working out for them.

For efficiency in describing politicians, I really could use a word that means both “dumb” and “dishonest” at the same time.

If Biden wins in a landslide, it will be exactly what the polls say yet we’ll all be really surprised.

Started watching Schitt’s Creek sixth season. So far, it’s like the other seasons — okay funny, but I don’t see why it swept every possible Emmy category. It’s not Frasier.
I remember the first season started out kind of meh, but I eventually got into. My favorite character was Stevie, but she kind of felt wasted after the first season.

If the polls are way off and Trump wins, there will be a ready-made excuse with how this election was like no other with all the mail-in ballots and early voting. Still, it will feel like a final nail in the coffin for polling.

I think the press is less harmful making really dumb attacks against Trump than carrying water for someone like Biden.

If Trump loses, it will be extremely obvious why and hardly worth explaining, but if Trump wins again — oh the interesting think pieces that will require!

It’s either originalism or laws don’t actually mean anything and can be randomly changed by judges on a whim.

I really can’t tell if people are actually that clueless on what originalism means or if this is all some concerted trolling effort.

It was weird not having nine Supreme Court justices. Glad that’s over.

Trump could have the opportunity to appoint more Supreme Court justices. If he’s re-elected, it’s expected that at least one of the liberal justices will die of shock.

This right-wing power grab could mean the Constitution will stop progressives dumb ideas for a generation.

The reason the Republicans were able to appoint the last three justices is because they were given the Senate majority in 2014, got the presidency and retained that majority in 2016, and expanded that Senate majority in 2018 (probably in reaction to how Dems handled Kavanaugh).
Democrats had three opportunities to stop this democratically, but people voted against them. They can stomp and gnash their teeth all they want, but that’s what happened.

They should be an election misinformation warning on anyone who says it’s important to vote.

I still shudder to think how close we were to that absolute psychopath Merrick Garland being on the Supreme Court.

It would be pretty crazy for Trump to win reelection when he has all of the news media, big tech, Hollywood, and Trump himself working hard against it.

Voting isn’t a right. It’s a compromise since we’ve given the government the power to infringe rights. In a perfect world with all your rights protected, you wouldn’t even care about voting.

I had heard that Sarah Cooper just lip syncs to Trump’s speeches and then I saw a clip and that is exactly what she does. It feels like some sort of Andy Kaufman-esque joke, though I’m not sure who it’s on. Netflix?

Isn’t all music “country music” unless it was made in international waters?

I don’t think I’ll get a PS5. I’m afraid a lot of the popular games wouldn’t be appropriate for my children and I’m also afraid the console may fall on them.

“You told me to wake you when they had the election result.”
“What happened?”
“Trump has been elected to a third term. And he’s been possessed by the ghost of Hitler. And he’s now a werewolf.”
The Lincoln Project: Send us money and we will stop this.

With the way the Lincoln Project is wasting the money of gullible liberals, aren’t they some of the biggest conservative heroes right now?

Journalists need to deplatform Alex Jones because it helps them pretend they have more credibility than him.

Why would you doubt that the guy who has been a career politician for 47 years is corrupt?

The key to keeping your sanity in the Trump presidency has been to recognize you’re living through a comedy premise, and the last person you want to be if you’re stuck in a comedy is Dean Wormer.
“That’s the last draw, Trump! We’re putting you on double secret probation! Do you see how serious I am?”

Spending dollars is a lot like voting except people pay a lot more attention to dollars and you actually get something for it.

Cue the Zoom-In

Submitted by Slapout:

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