Song Parody: Mr. Rub-‘n’-Sniff

(To the tune of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson”)


And here’s to you, Mr. Rub-‘n’-Sniff
Bezos loves you more than you will know, wo wo wo
A press to please, Mr. Rub-‘n’-Sniff
Handlers hold their breath with every word you say, hey hey hey
Hey hey hey

We’d like to know a little bit about your FBI files
We’d like to know how you helped yourself
Look around you, all you see are sycophantic eyes
Troll pretended crowds until they wheel you home

And here’s to you, Mr. Rub-‘n’-Sniff
Russia loves you more than you will know; Ukraine too
Got the Chinese, Mr. Rub-‘n’-Sniff
Heaven knows how many paid to play, hey hey hey
Hey hey hey

Hidin’ in a hiding place where no one ever goes
Putin in the pantry with a cupcake
It’s a lid-day secret that the man likes sniffing hair
Most of all, you’ve got to hide him from the kids

With a middle name that is Robinette
Geez, I wonder why that is downplayed, hey hey hey
Because it sounds so much like “rubbin’ it”
Dems still hold a place for those who prey, hey hey hey
Hey hey hey

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Doesn’t qualify as a debate
Laugh at people, shout at people
Then go take a snooze
Every time you’ve run like this you lose

What are you on, Joe Dementia?
A nation turn its nuclear codes to you? Woo woo woo
What day’s today, Mr. Joe Biden?
The revolting Left has left and gone away, hey hey hey
Hey hey hey



  1. That whole “Let’s Kidnap a Female Democrat Governor One Month Before the Election?! No Problem, Brah” stinks to high heaven.

    On FreeRepublic, 100 out of 100 responses were: “So the FBI infiltrated the group and suggested this… And someone who was drinking said “Cool suggestion! {Burp} {Burp}!?”

    As one reader said:

    “There were 13 people at that meeting. Six got arrested. Were the 7 others FBI agents?”

    Doesn’t a conspiracy require some action be taken in furtherance of the conspiracy? Otherwise, it’s just blowhard talk. What specific action did they take?

    Nice job, FBI. Way to bolster your cred.

    Let me know when Madonna’s in jail for talking about blowing up the White House on national TV.

    On national TV. Jerks.

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