Straight Line of the Day: If We Looked in the Cargo Area of Your Vehicle Right Now, We’d Find…

Straight Line of the Day: If we looked in the cargo area of your vehicle right now, we’d find…


  1. … S’morea sticks I never took out, a children’s fishing pole, first aid kit, jumper cables and a tow chain, bag of sand, snow shovel, a few toys, petrified chicken nuggets from a happy meal, and a bag of clothes that I will totally get around to donating to goodwill.

    • Awkward… If you have Hoffa, who’s buried in my trunk under all the muddy clothes, old trail mix, random pages of kids magazines and granola bar wrappers?! I never should have trusted that handwritten “Letter of Authenticity” I got from the man at the garage sale. His accent was very convincing.

  2. Props for SLotD captions: A sh*tload of dimes, Materials for a large wooden badger, a Vicious Chicken of Bristol costume, a Shrubbery, The Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, Aliens (but don’t tell anyone), A nuke the moon sign, Folgers Crystals and a plaid lumberjack jacket.

  3. Props for SLotD captions: A sh!tload of dimes, Materials for a large wooden badger, a Vicious Chicken of Bristol costume, a Shrubbery, The Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, Aliens (but don’t tell anyone), A nuke the moon sign, Folgers Crystals and a plaid lumberjack jacket.

  4. “Nothing at all, officer. You don’t even need to look back there, because you won’t find anything. No non-native fruit or vegetables, no drugs of any kind. Nope, not a single machine gun, no explosives or radioactive material. That strange noise? Nah, no endangered animals or dead bodies stuffed into suitcases… Huh? Ayuda…what? Illegal immigrants? Don’t be ridiculous.”

  5. Shoulda’ asked me yesterday. Bag of Deer corn, 2 bags birdseed, cordless drill, batteries
    bits, box of small misc. items, duct tape and a half empty bottle of chloroform. Never mind that last part.

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