Tuesday Night Open Thread

I’m not a fan of Bing Crosby. I’m not a fan of the Andrews Sisters. But they were sure popular in the 1940, both separately and together.

This song spent six weeks atop the Billboard Juke Box chart beginning in October 1944.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Can’t Wait To See What They Put on It’s Friggin’ Head

Robot dogs start security patrols at US military base
techrepublic.com | November 16, 2020 | R. Dallon Adams

“We are very excited,” Criss said in the release. “We are the first unit within the Department of Defense to use this technology for enhanced security patrolling operations.”

Uh . . . oh.

How Many Times Can One Say “Come On, Man”?

BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona — Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered
Gateway Pundit | 11/24/20

Joe Biden’s lead in Arizona dropped from 10,377 votes to 4,202 after a machine error was discovered on Tuesday.

The error was from a faulty upload from Greenlee County, which showed 22,110 votes — but should have been 3,723.

A data analyst for ABC 15, Garrett Archer, tweeted about the error before trying to downplay it by saying it “happens from time to time.”

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs tweeted about the error, saying “Unofficial election results were displaying incorrectly briefly today due to an uploading error that posted Greenlee County’s results multiple times while uploading write-in candidate info. The error has been corrected.”

Second Entry In My “Wait … What?” File

Croissant Gyoza: Pie-Like Dumplings Take Japan by Storm
sora news 24 | 11/21/2020 | Oona McGee

This gyoza with a flaky croissant crust is so sought after it took a year for our order to arrive.

We’ve tried a lot of gyoza in Japan, ranging from Wasabeef wasabi gyoza through to varieties covered in gold leaf and ones made by former prisoners in Kabukicho.

What f***ing planet are we on?

However, there’s one type of gyoza that’s alluded us

eluded, perhaps?

since we heard about it a year ago, and it’s caused such a sensation around Japan that 4,000 boxes of them have been known to sell out in 30 minutes.

Compare to McDonald’s

Called Croissant Gyoza, this very special type of pot sticker comes from Tareya in Kagawa Prefecture, and when we say we’ve waited a year for them, we’re not joking. This screenshot of our receipt below shows the order date of 11 November 2019, and the scheduled delivery date — 11 November 2020!

Hate to tell you, but you’re being jerked around. And they’ve had your money, earning interest, for a year.

Puerile Harbor!

Oona McGee?

This Goes Right Into My “Wait … What??” File

Milan Prelate on Coronavirus: ‘Divine Punishment Does Not Exist’
Church Militant | 2/28/20 | Jules Gomes

The former archbishop of Milan has dismissed the idea that divine punishment for human sin could be a factor behind the coronavirus epidemic, which has spooked churches into shutting their doors in the dioceses of Northern Italy.

Divine punishment does not exist. It is an incorrect view of Christianity,” Cdl. Angelo Scola told La Repubblica, when asked if Christianity supported the vision of a divine punishment behind the coronavirus.

“Of course, God knows and predicts events but does not determine them,” Scola told the leftwing Italian newspaper in an interview Thursday.

The prelate, once considered a runner-up for papal office . . .

Distinguished Catholic historian Roberto de Mattei blasted Scola’s response to the crisis hitting Milan and other parts of northern Italy.  

“More than the epidemic that is starting to afflict the West, I highly fear the pestilential influence of those bishops and theologians who, out of fearful judgment of the world, have stopped believing in God’s justice,” Prof. Mattei commented. 

I was so taken aback, I forgot to use my preferred title for this post: “You Kids Get Off of Milan.”

Is there, perhaps, some other religion the pope-wannabe would feel more comfortable in?

Guys, Will You Knock It Off?

I don’t know what algorithm Spammers use to target our site, but we just had (in under three minutes) three or four hundred spam emails about both erectile dysfunction and cbd — which I’m guessing doesn’t stand for the Charlie Baniels Dand.

Straight Line of the Day: We’re Not Gonna Blow Sunshine Up Your Skirt: The Harsh Reality Is…

Straight Line of the Day: We’re not gonna blow sunshine up your skirt: the harsh reality is…

Welcome to IMAO! Around Here We’re Nothing If Not Patriotic

How to tell that someone is not a Democrat:

Caption This!

Swiped Off the Internet: Suzie