Random Thoughts: Star Wars and The Babylon Bee Book

watching Deadwood
“Al Swearengen? More like Al Profanity-engen.”

So my Macbook Pro suddenly shut off the other day despite being plugged in. I then noticed it didn’t close proper. And that the bottom was being pushed off of it. Looks like the battery started swelling. Never a good sign when solid-state stuff starts moving.
Another really bad sign with modern-day electronics is when they smell. Electronics should not have a smell. Luckily, no smell so far. As that would probably be battery acid or something.
Usually, the bad electronics smell is smoke. First thing I learned as a baby engineer is that all electronic components have smoke in them. If the smoke ever escapes, they stop working.
Anyway, have a Genius Bar appointment for Thursday. I’ll see then if Apple will take responsibility for their swollen battery. Until then, stuck using a 2012 Macbook Pro like I’m in some third world country.
I’ve broken like every computer I’ve ever had because I program super-duper hard. Hopefully one day they’ll invent a computer that can keep up with me.

It is absolutely baffling to me that anger at student loans is directed anywhere other than the overpriced colleges who made them necessary.

And yes, if you want college prices to drop immediately, have the government stop guaranteeing student loans.

I remember back when I was a kid and the closest we got to anyone ruining Star Wars was the Ewoks.
A new Star Wars movie was just an impossible dream back then.
But, hey, now we got The Mandalorian. Little Frankie would have loved that.
Hopefully not more hopes to be dashed.

It’s okay for some guys to be sissies but society will break down if too many are.

It fascinates me how there were all these Star Wars terms I knew as a kid in the pre-internet days but had no idea where they came from. Like, I knew Boba Fett wore “Mandalorian armor.” Where that knowledge came from, no idea.

I can’t tell if it’s good acting in The Crown because none of the actors talk like actual human beings but maybe that’s how the people they’re imitating all actually sounded.
Like the guy playing Prince Phillip talks like he can’t fully open his jaw and has to grunt out his words. Great acting or horrible acting? I don’t know.

The government paying off student loans is so terrible in so many different ways I feel like I’m being punked.

Canceling student debt has an even lower chance of fixing everything than that amnesty in the 80s had at fixing immigration — and a much much bigger chance of making everything worse.

I like how the new Star Wars Minecraft DLC is just stuff from the original trilogy and The Mandalorian. That’s all the Star Wars you need.

I have not talked enough about how beautiful The Babylon Bee book is. It really is one of the best books I’ve ever seen. I wrote a number of the chapter intros and had a lot of fun doing it.
You can get it here, available for a limited time (eventually the world will end in fire).

The goal should be less people go to college. A lot of it just seems like a scam. For instance, I make good money as a computer engineer, but you don’t need four years to learn that skill. It’s silly to pretend you do.


  1. The goal should be less people go to college. A lot of it just seems like a scam. For instance, I make good money as a computer engineer, but you don’t need four years to learn that skill. It’s silly to pretend you do.

    Not a scam, it is working as intended. How else are you going to indoctrinate unemployable foot soldiers in the war to defeat capitalism and create a socialist utopia?

  2. It fascinates me how there were all these Star Wars terms I knew as a kid in the pre-internet days but had no idea where they came from. Like, I knew Boba Fett wore “Mandalorian armor.” Where that knowledge came from, no idea.

    My gut hunch says the back of Kenner Toys Action Figure packaging. That’s where a lot of stuff came from, as I recall.

  3. “The goal should be less people go to college. A lot of it just seems like a scam. For instance, I make good money as a computer engineer, but you don’t need four years to learn that skill. It’s silly to pretend you do.”

    True. Most of my friends today I met at college, and I struggle to think of one whose job in any way uses or would require the knowledge and degree they obtained. I can however, think of many many people with worthless degrees, no particular academic accumen, and no useful skills who would have been much much more successful learning a trade. I also hear daily radio commercials and work in a large industrial area both touting the high demand and low supply of skilled laborers.

  4. “It fascinates me how there were all these Star Wars terms I knew as a kid in the pre-internet days but had no idea where they came from. Like, I knew Boba Fett wore “Mandalorian armor.” Where that knowledge came from, no idea.”

    Yeah, but do you know Yoda’s last name? It’s Leyheehoo.

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