Random Thoughts: Cyber and Socialists

A lot of the attacks on capitalism is like someone going to a hospital and saying, “Look at all the people dying! Modern medicine is horrible! We would be better off without hospitals!”
You don’t know even know where to being.

capitalism increases the wealth of the entire world a thousand fold and despite there being far more people than anytime in human history, everyone is better fed
“Look at these people living in poverty who don’t have broadband internet! We need to destroy capitalism!”
This is like racism. This is stupidity that has a moral aspect. You’re making a choice to ignore all the evidence of how bad your ideas are.

The trans-movement gives the impression that years ago there was some big debate in which the “right” opinion was definitively settled upon, but no one seems privy to when that debate was and what was said at it.
They throw around the term “transphobia” a lot, but the reigning emotion seems less fear than utter bafflement.
Luckily everyone is too scared to ask questions.

Fargo Season 4 was interesting all the way through, but it didn’t add up to much.
And they made it like Ethelrida was the main character, but she seemed sidelined for the story more than 90% of the time.

My best hope for government is that gridlock will protect us from the bad intentions of politicians and especially their good intentions.

The left keep thinking their problem is messaging and never consider the idea that maybe their problem is they’re dominated by hateful people with terrible, terrible ideas.
Hateful people with terrible ideas can lead to bad messaging.

Someone who can’t admit “defund the police” was a terrible slogan that was only counterproductive should have a restraining order to stay 500 yards away from politics at all times.
It would be nice if privileged idiots channeled the energy of wanting to do something into charity work instead of the most moronic politics available.

In Cyberpunk 2077, I want to be Cyber-Dirty Harry.
“Being that this is a .44 cybermagnum, the most powerful cyberhandgun in the world, and would blow your cyberhead clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel cyberlucky?’ Well do ya, cyberpunk?”

If people said during the protests, “Hey, you can’t be doing this; there’s a pandemic going on” then there might still be someone with some credibility, but now the people yelling about masks and staying home don’t actually seem to care about that but just like yelling at people.

I was just talking about how there are no good new sitcoms, but I checked out Ted Lasso on Apple+ based on Kyle Smith’s recommendation and two episodes in and I’m sold.
Man, with streaming and no network standards, everything has to have so much swearing now, though.

“I wonder who Republicans will nominate in 2024 to follow up Trump.”
Trump makes noise about running again
“I wonder who Republicans will nominate in 2028 to follow up Trump.”

Your president who served two non-consecutive terms name is your favorite muppet from Sesame Street plus the last major city you visited.
Mine is Grover Cleveland.

I used to kind of cheer on the death of theaters because as a parent with little kids they’re kind of inconvenient to go out and see the latest Marvel movie, but now I feel bad.

My best theater experience was at college where at a big auditorium at the student center they would show movies on the weekend. Everyone would really get into it and yell stuff at the screen and that actually is a lot more fun.

If Twitter wanted to be even-handed, shouldn’t they just add a vague “This claim is disputed” to anything said by any partisan?

The last potential nail in the coffin of theaters will be finding out what exactly Disney will be doing with Black Widow.

You know those Advent calendars where you get like a piece of candy each day? Why not have all calendars be like that? I already get lots of candy at Christmas. I could use it more in the middle of April.

I don’t think anyone would dispute that AOC is the world’s smartest socialist.

My idea for Black Panther 2 is find some way to bring back Michael B. Jordan’s character (it’s a comic book movie; it’s not that hard) and have him be the lead in some redemption arc/anti-hero thing.

I think the moon is much cooler when you see it during the day. At night, it’s this ghostly, glowy thing, but during the day it’s this giant rock somehow magically floating up in the sky.

We are surrounded by so much wonder each day that eventually we become almost immune to it. One of the advantages of having kids is they help you remember how to look at the world with open eyes again.

If you’re a superhero attacking Adolf Hitler with ice storm powers, a good line would be “Hail Hitler!” but you’d have to be really careful no one took that out of context.

The show Batman Beyond was the follow up to the shows Batman Bed and Batman Bath.

Defenestration? Why in the world is there a word for throwing someone through a window that only like Frasier would use?

I don’t know what Mank is about but I’ll only watch it if there’s a scene where a man collapses to his knees and screams into the air “MAAAAANK!”

One of the most amazing things is in one of the episodes of the making of The Mandalorian documentary where Dave Filoni explains the story arc of the prequels and almost makes you appreciate it.
There’s a guy you can trust with your Star Wars franchise.

Just once I want a radical liberal to be a classical liberal who does awesome tricks on his BMX bike.

Didn’t Jesus say “For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”? Sounds like a radical capitalist.
People try to fit Jesus into our myopic politics, but that just doesn’t work — except I think what Jesus’s view on the Export-Import Bank would be are pretty obvious.

I’m scheduled to have my gallbladder removed in January. I’m told that after the surgery I won’t be able to lift anything over 10 pounds — which especially sucks because Winchester is over 10 pounds and is my all time favorite thing to pick up.

I’m going to let you all beta test Cyberpunk 2077 and pick it up when it’s first on sale.

The makers of The Mandalorian love Star Wars in the same way we love Star Wars — except they love it even more and have the technical skills to pull off their dreams.

I really respect Elon Musk as a billionaire because he’s trying to use his billions to go to Mars. None of the other billionaires are doing anything that interesting. That’s an even better use of billions than becoming Batman.

Why did Elon Musk call his company Tesla and not GroundX?


  1. “Turns out, a lot of the stuff we asserted to fight misogyny was actually transphobic. Same for some of the stuff for we said to fight homophobia, too.
    “But don’t worry. We’ve found all the marginalized groups, so nothing we’re asserting now will turn out to be harmful to the people we should be supporting.”

  2. My best hope for government is that gridlock will protect us from the bad intentions of politicians and especially their good intentions.

    The problem is that even if the political part of the government is gridlocked the bureaucratic part is still hell bent for leather.

  3. Your president who served two non-consecutive terms name is your favorite muppet from Sesame Street plus the last major city you visited.
    Mine is Grover Cleveland.

    And perhaps one’s favorite pitcher, Grover Cleveland Alexander.

  4. I think the moon is much cooler when you see it during the day. At night, it’s this ghostly, glowy thing, but during the day it’s this giant rock somehow magically floating up in the sky.

    Plus a much easier target for a nuke.

  5. “I don’t know what Mank is about but I’ll only watch it if there’s a scene where a man collapses to his knees and screams into the air “MAAAAANK!””

    My guess is that it’s a sequel to Monk. Except this time instead of being germaphobic., he’s germicidal. He’s still a detective, just angry at germs instead of being afraid.

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