Thursday Night Open Thread: One Giant LARP for Mankind

NASA Takes the Search for White Supremacy To Mars

Mars rover Curiosity scours the Red Planet, looking for White supremicist symbols, therefore White guilt, opening the door to White fragility, leading to rocketing oppression and victimhood.

Nope; nothing so far. Wait a minute! Could this be a tribute to Nazi Panzers?

Nah, couldn’t be.

The search continues.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

What the Actual Biden?

Will somebody please tell me what’s going on?

America’s SEALS, Green Berets and Delta Force Get First-Ever ‘Inclusion’ Czar
Washington Times | 03/28/2021 | Rowan Scarborough

The U.S. command that oversees Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Delta Force and other covert warriors has hired its first “chief of diversity and inclusion.”

USSOCOM welcomes our new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion, Mr. Richard Torres-Estrada,” said the command, which directs about 70,000 elite troops, both active and reserve, as well as a civilian workforce.

“We look forward to his contribution in enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of #SOF through diversity of talent, helping us recruit the best of the best.”


Special Operations Command Diversity and Inclusion Chief Reassigned Pending Investigation Into Anti-Trump Posts
Breitbart | 03/29/2021 | Kristina Wong

The new diversity and inclusion chief for the U.S. military’s Special Operations Command, Richard Torres-Estrada, has been reassigned pending the results of an investigation into politically-charged social media posts he made before he was hired, a spokesman told Breitbart News on Monday.

“Mr. Torres-Estrada has been assigned other duties at USSOCOM pending the results of the investigation,” said SOCOM spokesman Kenneth McGraw in an email.

He also confirmed the commander of SOCOM, Army Gen. Richard Clarke, has initiated an investigation into the social media posts, which included a meme comparing former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

For April Fool’s, MIT — As Expected — Over-Engineers an Artificial Fart

Hey! We’ve got a commenter named TEC!

J.B. Snark

There’s plenty more in the article; this is just to give you a taste.

Let’s Celebrate the Federal Government on April Fools’ Day
American Thinker | 1 Apr, 2021 | J.B. Shurk

Let’s celebrate the federal government every April Fools’ Day.  How fitting a holiday to toast a byzantine, irresponsible, and largely untouchable system of red-tape rule-makers and above-the-law actors who do little for the American people other than overpromise, underperform, and charge a hundred times more than they’re worth for the service.  This is a bureaucratic leviathan so corrupt that it requires a cottage industry of lobbyists to enrich the “public servants,” so unserious in its missions that it can’t finish one war before starting the next, so anti-American in its sentiments that it routinely proclaims its citizens the most villainous racists and rubes on Earth, and so incompetent in executing its long-term strategies that its reckless spending of borrowed monies has pushed the dollar to the brink of collapse.  

What profligate, vain, sanctimonious fools have permanently taken over the national government.  What morally vacuous scoundrels and scolds have taken up residence where giants of intellect and great defenders of freedom once stood.  How craven yet supercilious are these embarrassing Marie Antionettes who bask in their own illusory superiority while nonchalantly declaring that men are now women, that fear of death justifies destroying daily life, that face masks magically prove one’s virtue, and that all “free” Americans must now bow down before the state’s false religion of the woke and perpetually aggrieved.  Caligula had nothing on the current crop of poseurs and pretenders who rule Americans through fear while doing absolutely nothing for America.  The least we can do is reserve one day on the calendar for recognizing how foolish our leaders truly are, for it’s clear that the federal government takes us all for fools 365 days a year.  

Twenty-eight trillion dollars in debt, and all we have to show for our coming financial doom is a Constitution as broken as our crumbling bridges and roads and a ruling class of D.C. despots who spend their days steeping America in socialism while viciously attacking American citizens as deplorable, white supremacist, bitter-clinger Neanderthals not worthy of the same respect showered upon the thousands of foreign nationals who break in here daily.

. . .

April Fool!

Saw this on the internet:

It was April Fools’ Day, and little Johnny burst into the parlor, where a dozen ladies were taking a cup of five o’clock tea, and exclaimed excitedly,

“Mamma, there’s a stranger up stairs kissing the governess!”

Mamma started indignantly toward the stairs, with battle in her eye, then Johnny cried out in triumphant delight,

“April fool! It ain’t a stranger at all—it’s only papa!”

And the Nominee for the Most Succinct Spam Comment of the Year Goes to: …

From the Inbox:

“It’s interesting but bloody confusing.”

Straight Line of the Day: If You Ran a Private, For-Profit Prison, …

Washington state Senate passes legislation to ban private, for-profit prisons
The Hill | 31 Mar 2021 | Aris Foley

The upper chamber voted to pass the bill 28-21 on Tuesday.

The measure, which previously passed the state House, now awaits consideration from Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), who has signaled support for restricting the use of private prisons.

If passed, the bill would prohibit any person, business, state or local governmental entity from operating private detention facilities in Washington, as well as utilizing contracts with a private detention facilities in the state, according to the bill text.

Straight Line of the Day: If you ran a private, for-profit prison, …

Welcome to IMAO! Eat First; We’ll Talk Later

Maybe that’s a mistake.

Cartoons and Memes

Now where is that assistant! I don’t know why I keep her around.

Sorry I’m late sir, had a hard time getting my frills straight.

Never mind.

Yo, Gimme the 4/1 One

April 1, commonly known as April Fool’s day, has long been an opportunity for children to tease their teachers. In an interview with a writer employed by the Works Progress Administration during the Great Depression, Mrs. Sally Marlowe of Marion, South Carolina, recalled:

We used to run off in the woods on April Fools’ Day and stay till twelve o’clock noon come — then we would all show up to the schoolhouse. What you reckon they done to us for it? Kept us in school so late every evening that week till the moon would be shining bright enough to show us the road home.

April the 1st was dreaded by most rural school teachers. The pupils would get inside and bar the teacher out. The teacher, who didn’t act on the principle that discretion is the better part of valor, generally got the worst of it. Mr. Douglass soon learned this, and, on April Fool’s Day, he would walk to the school, perceive the situation, laughingly announce there would be no school until the morrow, and leave.

Do us proud!