Friday Night Open Thread — What the Hell Are They Talking About?

Decades of Hunting Detects Footprint of Cosmic Ray Superaccelerators in Our Galaxy

Masks needed! Superspreaders!

American Physical Society \ | March 31, 2021

An enormous telescope complex in Tibet has captured the first evidence of ultrahigh-energy gamma rays spread across the Milky Way. The findings offer proof that undetected starry accelerators churn out cosmic rays, which have floated around our galaxy for millions of years. The research is to be published in the journal Physical Review Letters on Monday, April 5.

IMAO beat you by three days!

“We found 23 ultrahigh-energy cosmic gamma rays along the Milky Way,” said Kazumasa Kawata, a coauthor from the University of Tokyo. “The highest energy among them amounts to a world record: nearly one petaelectron volt.”

PETA electrons? I thought those were too close to cull.

That’s three orders of magnitude greater than any known cosmic-ray-induced gamma ray — or any particle humans have accelerated in state-of-the-art laboratories on Earth.

I had a wisecrack here, but Walrus told me it was no good.

Since 1990, dozens of researchers from China and Japan have hunted for the elusive high-energy cosmic gamma rays.

I had a wisecrack here, but Walrus told me it was even worse.

The Tibet ASγ Collaboration made its discovery using nearly 70,000 square meters of ground arrays and underground muon detectors on the Tibetan Plateau, sitting more than 14,000 feet above sea level.

Are they asking me to believe that Tibetans have invested in this research, while ignoring their own poverty?

“Scientists believe high energy gamma rays can be produced by the nuclear interaction between high-energy cosmic rays escaping from the most powerful galactic sources and interstellar gas in the Milky Way galaxy,” said Huang Jing, a coauthor from Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

And now . . .

Chen Ding

Same guy as Huang Jing?

of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, another coauthor, added, “The detection of diffuse gamma rays above 100 teraelectron volts is a key to understanding the origin of very-high-energy cosmic rays, which has been a mystery since their discovery in 1912.”

Pro tip: That’s the worst pickup line ever, gentlemen.

Balloon experiments

No comment. Even I could see it was no good, without running it by Walrus.

first identified cosmic rays, revealing they were a key source of radiation on Earth. Cosmic rays are highly energetic particles, mostly protons, that travel across space. Millions of these particles pass through your body every day. (They are believed harmless.)

Thanks, Doc. That parenthetical comment inspires confidence.

“We live together with cosmic-ray muons,

I must insist you speak for yourself!

though we are usually not sensitive to them,” said Kawata. “Isn’t it a fantasy to think of where and how these cosmic rays are produced and accelerated, traveling all the way to Earth?”

You and I, Kawata, part company here! If you are interested in fantasy, I may discuss Ginger and Mary Ann with you some day.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Covfefe Again!

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Uncool Tom’s Collins

Sounds like it’s about time for a Collinoscopy.

Senator Collins: I Toured the Border. Cartel Members Taunted Us. | 3/26/2021 | Katie Pavlich

Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins toured the U.S.-Mexico border overnight with a delegation led by Texas Republican Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. The trip continues through Mission, Texas, today with a boat tour, but they’ve already seen the crisis first hand.

At $6,000 per person . . .

(Is that more or less than a senatorial boat tour costs?)

. . . with 3,000 crossings in a 24 hour period, cartels are making approximately $18 million a day.

Townhall’s Julio Rosas has been reporting from the border for weeks and has watched human smugglers bring illegal immigrants across the Rio Grande in rafts.

Rafts? Low overhead.

No penalties. No risks.

No downside.

If your clients get sent back, they pay you again to try a second time.

Gotta say, Senator, I’d taunt you too.

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin Zimbalist, Jr.

Grab a stress ball –or a Stoli-Bolli (Absolutely Fabulous reference to a drink with Stoli vodka and Bollinger champagne) — and embrace the suck:

Or just glance at the sections I’ve put in boldface.

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go
The Federalist
| 30 March 2021 | Joy Pullmann

The New York Times reported on March 27 that Syrian-born Colorado mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi [Al-Iissa] had been on the FBI’s radar before he murdered 10 people in a grocery store.

“The suspect’s identity was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials,” the Times says.

According to a police affidavit, six days before [he] shot 10 people to death, he purchased a pistol. That would have required him to pass a federal background check also run by the FBI. It seems the FBI is not very good at this “stopping mass shooters” thing.

This is not an anomaly in the FBI’s history. It in fact appears to be a pattern of negligence. During the Barack Obama presidency, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., grilled FBI Director James Comey about the “known wolf” problem — of 14 Islamist attacks in the U.S. during Obama’s tenure, the FBI had been aware of at least 12 before the violence erupted, and did nothing.

For example, the 2009 Fort Hood shooter, who killed 13; the Boston Marathon bombers of 2013 who killed three and injured 264; and the Pulse nightclub shooter who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more. All were known to the FBI and several had been interviewed by the FBI before they went on killing sprees.

The FBI had also been warned numerous times about the Parkland, Florida school shooter, before he killed 17 and injured 17 more in 2018. It also knew beforehand about the 2018 Nashville, Tennessee Waffle House shooter, who killed four and injured two more, and the 2020 Nashville RV bomber.

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats like these, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. The ones we know about include Crossfire Hurricane‘s use of federal spy power to affect election outcomes and prevent effective governance by elected Republicans. That operation included spying on Fox News.

In 2020, the FBI sent 15 agents to investigate a rope tied in a loop that hysterical people alleged was a “noose” after a black NASCAR driver was assigned a garage with the rope as its door pull. The FBI investigation determined the rope had been in the same shape and spot since at least 2019.

In 2019, the FBI executed operation “Varsity Blues” to shame rich people who attempted to buy their children entry into ruling class universities by means other than gobsmackingly expensive prep schools and SAT tutors.

The FBI also appears to have entrapped people into a ridiculous plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, by inserting agents into their social group who presented the plan and got them to appear to go along, at least on FBI recordings. The same appears to be happening with Democrats using the Jan. 6 riot to have the FBI investigate and prosecute their political opponents among the hoi polloi.

For that investigation, USA Today says, “agents in all but one of the FBI’s 56 field offices have been drafted to track down” people who attended the Capitol protest that day, the vast majority of whom peacefully protested. “Investigators who typically work cases involving the trafficking of drugs, child pornography and sex have taken calls from rioters’ angry ex-wives and former girlfriends and employers turned tipsters.”

Meanwhile, the FBI and other investigators appear to be hiding the truth about the one death that occurred in connection with this havoc that hasn’t yet been definitively proven to be an accident . . .

It also appears the FBI is using its police power to prosecute people in connection with the Capitol riot who participated in no violence, including one who never went inside the Capitol nor harmed any person or public property, according to Julie Kelly’s reporting of court documents. His true crime appears to be belonging to a group in which some members believe, according to the federal indictment, that “the federal government has been co-opted by a cabal of elites actively trying to strip American citizens of their rights.”

Parents of a teen who entered the Capitol and also committed no violence have been threatened by the feds for their political beliefs, Kelly reports. Their 18-year-old has been held in jail since the FBI arrested him in February, with 30 0ther inmates, and denied bail because he was homeschooled: “I don’t believe that home incarceration will work because he is an 18-year-old who’s homeschooled,” assistant U.S. Attorney Ryan Buchanan told the judge.

Bruno Cua is being treated as a hardened criminal because of aggressive non-leftist social media posts. It appears his actual crime was trespassing. The feds have shown no evidence he perpetrated any property destruction or violence. Meanwhile, thousands of youths who rioted in the name of “Black Lives Matter” are out enjoying their $1,400 stimulus checks. The FBI never even tried to pursue them.

The FBI received repeated tips from social media company Parler ahead of the Jan. 6 riot that violence might occur. It appears precisely zero actions were taken before the unrest to try to prevent it.

Excellent writer; excellent article — there’s more at the link. But not much: I couldn’t find a place to stop quoting it, it’s so fine.

Can’t Diss This!

No tofu or downtwinkles allowed:

YouTube panics as Americans ‘dislike’ Biden videos, so it takes drastic step
World Net Daily | March 31, 2021 | Bob Unruh

YouTube announced Tuesday it is experimenting with removing the “dislike” count on posts.

The company said in a statement that in response “to creator feedback around well-being and targeted dislike campaigns, we’re testing a few new designs that don’t show the public dislike count.”

The Gateway Pundit wondered if the move had something to do with President Biden’s lack of popularity.

The blog previously reported YouTube, which is owned by Google, appeared to have altered the dislikes count on White House videos.

A Biden video had been “disliked” 10,000 times at 3:11 p.m., for example, had only 3,100 dislikes at 7:31 p.m.

Sounds vaguely familiar. Did they claim there was a burst water pipe and kick out all viewers, first?

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


Straight Line of the Day: The Last Thing You Want To Hear From Your Doctor Is…

Straight Line of the Day: The last thing you want to hear from your doctor is…

Welcome to IMAO Headquarters! Have You Ever Pulled Lookout Duty Before?

What is Walrus watching?

Howdy friends. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a Margarita, they don’t cost nothing, and I’ll let you in on the secret of “What is Walrus watching?”

Some more WWII stuff. Like Military History Visualized this guy looks at small, narrow topics or things mostly from WWII. Usually about 10 minutes or so they are easy viewing.

Ladies and Gentlemen I present you… Mark Felton Productions.



Another Unemployed Biden Voter

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:
