Saturday Night Hootenanny

Les, your killing me dude. I thought for sure that last one would work. Well we shall see what we shall see this week, eh?

On to the music, on to the challenge, on to… victory.

Kinda Nails It

I coudn’t agree more

The Coming Rebranding
American Thinker | April 1, 2021 | Charles Turot

During the lockdown phase of the pandemic, something happened to the archaic but amiable Uncle Joe parodied by Woody Harrelson on SNL. We’ll never know what. The “basement bunker” Biden was a shadow of the seasoned politician we watched float to the top of the primary field.

Though cued by a teleprompter we saw reflected in a framed picture, the veteran public speaker struggled for common words, sometimes losing his train of thought altogether. Neither his alleged stutter nor his penchant for public gaffes could explain it. Anyone who’s suffered through the cognitive decline of a loved one knows the signs. Its onset brings sadness, and deep concern; more so for a Presidential candidate. 

Biden’s campaign appearances were few and brief. Aimless movement and clueless comments still suggested a problem, but for a few hours he could pass muster. The brain fog evident on the basement tapes had abated.

More than once, Joe Biden ‘said the quiet part out loud’ — a tendency all too familiar to families dealing with dementia. In October he boasted about “…the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Did he mean “anti-voter fraud?” It makes no sense.

Democrats maintain that voter fraud is rare and irrelevant. Why organize against it? The “voter fraud organization” Biden spoke of was very real, as we would learn. The truth had made its way through his deteriorating filter.

It happened again in December, when Biden outlined his plans should he and VP Harris disagree: “…like I told Barack, if…there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

It was a chilling moment. Only once has a vice-president resigned over a fundamental disagreement. The moral principle then was slavery. Instead, VP’s just keep their mouths shut. They don’t have to “develop some disease.” What Biden was describing — with eerie precision — was the plan to cede his office to Harris: the rebranding strategy, laid bare.

It was also in December that President Biden first used the term, “President Harris.”  He would do so again in mid-March. Another ‘gaffe?’ Consider the evidence: by then, Harris had already been fielding calls from heads of state, including Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, for over a month. Vice-Presidents rarely do so.

On March 23, the White House insisted the media use the term “Biden-Harris administration.” This was new. Presidents feel obliged to show a certain appreciation for their Vice-Presidents, especially when campaigning, but not during daily governance. Say it aloud: The Clinton-Gore administration. The Bush-Cheney administration. Sounds unfamiliar, doesn’t it? That’s because you hear it so rarely.

Just a few days later, Biden publicly commissioned his vice-president to deal with the deepening crisis at the border. He outlined specific Trumplike policies for her to implement. Within 24 hours, Harris had reframed her response entirely: she would explore “root causes” instead. Translation: she couldn’t care less about Biden’s instructions.

Vladimir Putin, who knows a thing or two about how power is transferred, may have predicted the future in the most oblique but telling way. After Biden declared him a “killer” and warned he would pay for his mythical 2016 election interference, Putin responded by wishing the President “good health.” In other words, that he not develop some disease.

Putin’s good wishes notwithstanding, the President isn’t doing well. Cognitive decline can be delayed, but not reversed. His long-postponed press conference, though entirely staged and scripted, was a grim reminder of that sad fact.

What a Jerk

‘Environmentalist’ Buttigieg unloads bike from SUV before riding the short distance to his destination
Post Millennial | 04/02/2021

The United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg was caught on video Thursday unloading a bike from an SUV just moments before riding the bike a short distance to his destination, to make it look like the ‘environmentalist’ was saving energy, in an epic virtue signal fail.

A person off camera can even be heard questioning why the Biden administration official would be wearing a suit while bike riding.

Buttigieg has been at the forefront of advocating for President Joe Biden to implement new taxes on transportation, including taxing individual’s based on the amount of distance they have driven as well as increasing taxes on gas.

It’s also worth noting that Pete Buttigieg is a strong advocate for gun control legislation, although in the now viral video, Buttigieg is shown with an armed security detail protecting him from harm’s way, something the average American citizen does not get the privilege to have.

I liked this person’s comment on the article over at

Well, a Select Group of 131 Women From This Nation Couldn’t Be Wrong, Could They?

Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines Safe for Pregnant Women
WebMD | March 29, 2021 | Carolyn Crist

They wanted that title. Nothing else mattered.

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines are safe and effective in pregnant and breastfeeding women, according to a new study published Thursday in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

The study also found that mothers can pass antibodies to their newborns.

“That’s a very important piece of information to our patients,” Andrea Edlow, MD, the senior study author and a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, told ABC News.

“We know that this vaccine works for you,” she added.

And they sorely wanted that quote.

The research team studied a group of 131 women who received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, including 84 pregnant, 31 breastfeeding and 16 non-pregnant women. All three groups had similar high antibody levels.

Before the vaccine, did they have any antibody levels? Compared to after…

The study also found no significant differences in vaccine side effects between pregnant and non-pregnant women.

In the population of the United States, are these 16 women a significant sample?

Compared to pregnant women who had recovered from COVID-19, pregnant women who received the vaccine had “strikingly higher” antibody levels, the authors wrote. In addition, women who received the Moderna vaccine had higher antibody levels than those who received the Pfizer vaccine.

The research team also found that vaccine-generated antibodies were present in all of the umbilical cord and breast milk samples that were tested, which suggests that pregnant women and breastfeeding women can pass COVID-19 antibodies to their fetuses and newborns.

Or, it suggests, might not. More funding for more research needed…

“That is the most comforting piece of information that’s out there,” Galit Alter, MD, one of the study authors and a professor of medicine at the Ragon Institute in Massachusetts, told ABC News.

… Who likes comforting comments.

The research team found neutralizing antibodies in the blood of pregnant women, which indicates that the antibodies can kill the coronavirus.

Wait — is this science writer now giving up all pretense of knowing what antibodies are, and how they work? ? ?

As one commenter on the article said:

What does that tell us? That an approx. equal number of pregnant and non-pregnant women experienced dizziness, vomiting, skin rashes, etc. after receiving the vaccine? And what about the control group? How did they fare? i.e., How many of them experienced dizziness, vomiting, skin rashes, etc. after NOT receiving the vaccine?

And as ABC itself wrote:

The study had some limitations. It was small and participants were primarily white health care workers from a single city. On the other hand, it’s the largest study

Hah! “Largest study.” I could interview people in my own social circle and come up with more women!

of a group that was left out of initial vaccine trials.

That’s very, very odd. Why? I mean, if you’re pressuring pregnant women to get the vaccine. Seems wrong.

Leaving pregnant women out of drug trials is a common practice because of safety concerns, but in the case of COVID-19, exclusion left many pregnant women confused about whether it was safe to get vaccinated.

“…Pregnancy is considered to be a risk factor for severe COVID-19, including increased risk for hospitalization and death from the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As of March 22, more than 80,500 pregnant women in the United States had been infected with the virus and 88 had died, the CDC found….”

88 people? That’s like Chicago on a good day. Ah, opposed to the number who died during the year from the flu? A cold? Pneumonia? Heart attacks? Diabetes? Co-morbitities with Covid-19?

Sounds like Covid ain’t so lethal.

Sigh. Here’s One Nigerian Who Needs To Go Back to Spam School.

Hi! My name is Michael W.

That’s not a name.

and I am the Senior Customer Success

That’s not a title.

for Scraping Robot .com.

That’s not a website (they don’t have spaces in them).

I am extremely interested in promoting our services on your website

That’s not a plan.

We would like to know more about your rates for native ads

That’s not a thing.

and sponsored articles (or any other advertising options available).

Our company provides one of the most reliable scraping services at a fraction of the cost of other companies!

You’re kidding! Where can we sign up? We’re barely scraping by as it is!

Straight Line of the Day: Dammit, I’ve Lived Long Enough To Know This One Truth: …

Straight Line of the Day: I’ve lived long enough to know this one truth: …

Welcome to IMAO! Naturally, Breaking the Laser Beam Causes the Portal To Open Up

Waste of time having a portal in the first place, if you ask me.

Happy Sadderday

(Sorry for the poor quality of the image: swiped off the internet from someone’s cell phone. You get the idea.)