Thursday Night Open Thread: Have You Gotten Your All-Expense-Paid Open-Ended Vacation Yet?

Didn’t think so. (Chumps. All you gotta do to qualify is walk across the border):

The Joys of Open Borders: Biden Is Converting Seven Border Hotels into ‘Casas’ for Illegal Migrant Families | April 7, 2021 | Jim Hoft

Joe Biden and ICE are converting seven more hotels into living quarters for illegal migrant families.

The hotels in Arizona and Texas will be used to house Joe Biden’s illegal border crossers — and you get to pay for it!

According to a report from the Washington Examiner:

“On Friday, families will be moved into a Best Western in El Paso, which ICE had dubbed “Casa Estrella” or “Star House.” The hotel is making at least 186 beds available for families. The building is located next to a Starbucks and 2 miles south of El Paso International Airport.

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement is taking over seven hotels near the southern border starting Friday as the federal agency begins placing migrant families released from Border Patrol custody into the hotels.

“Hundreds of people who illegally came over the U.S.-Mexico border with a family member will be placed in hotels in El Paso, Texas, and Chandler, Arizona, this Friday as the Biden administration spends tens of millions of dollars to house people despite having its own holding centers, according to internal documents reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

“ICE has not revealed whether the families will be sent back to their home countries or released into the United States.”

It’s comfort-inn to know that there are no homeless citizens, taxpayers, or National Guardsmen that the government could give free housing and meals to instead. Whew! What a utopian paradise this is, with money to burn!

What does AOL have left to cry over?

I suppose this won’t encourage more illegal mass migration, though. So it’s a Juan-Juan situation.

Biden Accused of Bias for Not Asking Women and Transgenders To C’mon

“I feel literally left out, former man!” said former man Moisha Lipschitz, later adding a few additional exclamation points.

“And that c’mon stuff sounds very close to a dog-whistle.

“Not to mention, there are historically disadvantaged communities who don’t know what an apostrophe means (we’re against means testing), and have trouble processing the word.

“Number Two, when he keeps on screwing up the number of points he is trying to make — well, I just find that very dumb.”

The Biden-Harris-Major administration, sensing trouble, had those responsible psacked.

Yeah, #MeToo! I Always Say This About a Random Laptop Found in a Random Repair Shop

… without admitting guilt. Don’t you?

Heh. Check out the author’s name.

Hunter Biden: Controversial Laptop ‘Absolutely’ Could Be Mine | 02 April, 2021| Charlie McCarthy

Hunter Biden admitted the laptop at the center of last year’s controversy involving President Joe Biden and a Ukraine energy company “absolutely” could be his.

The president’s son was asked “yes or no” if the MacBook Pro dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019 was his, during an interview with CBS’s “Sunday Morning.”

“I really don’t know what the answer is, that’s the truthful answer,”

. . . Huh. That could be read two ways. . .

Hunter Biden said in an excerpt of the interview released Friday, before adding, “I have no idea.”

. . . That too. . .

Asked if the laptop could have belonged to him, he replied, “Absolutely.”

“Certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me,” Biden added. “It could be that I was hacked, it could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”

It could be . . .

Straight Line of the Day: Someday They’ll Discover a Cure for Cancel. And Then…

Straight Line of the Day: Someday they’ll discover a cure for Cancel. And then…

I admit, this is a slightly more challenging Straight Line than is usual. But you’re up to it.

[i.e., they’ll work on a new empathogen.]

Welcome to IMAO! Before Advancing to the Campus, Choose One To Drink

We’ll get to the Lady-or-the-Tiger Room next.

Cartoons and Memes

Everyone, it is time to stand up and salute the flag.

God Bless America

Proving Again That Our System and The Chinese System Are Diametrically Opposed

Hong Kong: China Limits Parliament to ‘Patriots’
BBC | 3/30/21

China has passed sweeping changes to Hong Kong’s electoral rules which will tighten its control over the city. The number of directly elected seats in parliament has been cut almost by half, and prospective MPs will first be vetted by a pro-Beijing committee to ensure their loyalty to the mainland.

The aim is to ensure only “patriotic” figures can run for positions of power.