Friday Night Open Thread: Give Me Your Tired, Your Po…

‘Kung Fu’ Reboot from CW Features Feminist Hero and ‘Social Justice’ Emphasis
Breitbart | 04/06/2021 | David Ng

Putting the warrior in social justice warrior, the rebooted version of the classic TV series Kung Fu debuts Wednesday on the teen-oriented CW network. In place of the late David Carradine, the woke series features a feminist heroine and an overarching emphasis on “social justice.”

The new Kung Fu focuses on a female Chinese-American law-school dropout who becomes a martial arts warrior (Olivia Liang). After mastering kung fu, she returns home to San Francisco to protect her parents and to fight violent triads.

Liang said the show offers an opportunity to address Asian on-screen representation.

“I think the timing of our show is really impeccable,” she reportedly said.

Yes, the timing is impeccable. The series was in the can, ready to debut, and the media suddenly found an interest in anti-Asian attacks which have been at no higher rate than in previous years. You don’t suppose . . . . ? Nah. Couldn’t be.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

So Remember: Never Reward Your Monkeys Frequently

Any excuse to use electrodes on monkeys, I guess. (They should have used the electrodes on the guy who put “drawn” in quotes.)

Researchers Find That Rare Rewards Amplify Dopamine Responses During Learning | April 2, 2021

Using electrodes, Stauffer and his colleagues recorded dopamine responses while monkeys were viewing the visual cues associated with rewards from the two different reward probability distributions. They also recorded dopamine responses when the monkeys received rewards ‘drawn’ from the virtual reward probability distributions.

Remarkably, the researchers observed that rewards that were administered with a lower frequency (i.e., rare rewards) amplified dopamine responses in the brains of the monkeys. In comparison, rewards of the exact same size but delivered with greater frequency evoked weaker dopamine responses.

Jeez Louis, Pasteur: psychologists knew of such an effect a long time ago: at least they did when I was in school. They had a name for it — “intermittent reinforcement,” I think — which was probably on the exam, but the exam is over and I haven’t been rewarded since.

Also, Dilbert had a great series on employees becoming addicted to positive feedback, which was very funny, and I remember that much better.

Biden Tumbles Upstairs in Mall on Escalator: Press Calls It “Bold Example of Leadership”

(APEY:) On his way up to a “Strictly Kidz” store on the second level of a Highthreshold Mall on Friday, Semi-president Biden fell upstairs all the way.

Examining the resulting wreck, Secret Service operatives, who had previously seen him in the nude, confirmed it was indeed the semi-president. By certain missing indications.

SEE VIDEO: Putin chuckling

After buying a bunch of “Juicy” sweatpants for all of the females in the area, regardless of age, Mr. Biden said: “[Redacted}” for the thousandth time in his careen [Edit: career].

Reached for comment, Mr. Biden reached — and reached — for comment.

Jen Psaki, trying to clarify the incident of the Fall and the Spring, said:

“Um, the .. and I’m sure Gov. Cuomo will back me up here — or over there — against the wall … L … Look, I didn’t sign up for this, OK?”

[Update:] Major the dog later bit her.

A Week Late For April 1

Actually, that’s appropriate.

Hey, look, WDS: It’s AOL!

Title and images submitted by Gumbeaux:

Biden’s Major Bares His Teeth at Cavalry Major

No Word Yet on What Transpired When Dog Faced Pony Soldier

Straight Line of the Day: Biden Misunderstands The Concept of “Ghost Guns”: He Thinks…

Straight Line of the Day: Biden misunderstands the concept of “ghost guns”: he thinks…

Welcome to IMAO, Mr. Bond; But I’m Afraid This Is as Far as You Get

The Stupid, it burns!

Haven’t done one of these in a while but this one is just so precious. I am wondering, do liberals genuinely not want to see minorities in any STEM program? I mean, come on man! If you tell students that their ain’t no such thing as a “right” mathematical answer and that “showing your work” is a racist White Supremacist concept surely that is what they are hoping to achieve, ain’t it? I guess if they push to get the “A” for arts added to make it STEAM that could help with expanding minority participation, but then you might as well go ahead and include the “BW” basket weaving, and “ARS” AntiRacist studies majors as well.

Well, you can disbelieve me if you want but here is the full article. Go ahead and read it.

Link to article

A sample of the stupidity, don’t let it burn ya!

Examples of “white supremacy culture” cited by the document include a focus on “getting the ‘right’ answer” and requiring students to show their work.

Glenn Ricketts, Public Affairs Director for the National Association of Scholars, told Campus Reform that the course illustrates that “no aspect of the educational process at any level is off limits for the social justice indoctrination.”

“Mathematics was once considered immune: after all, doesn’t 2 + 2 = 4?” Ricketts said. “But as I have read recently, the problem that math and arithmetic insist on correct answers is actually a hidden form of ‘white supremacy,’ as everything else is as well.”

I’ll wait for you to stop all of your sobbing, just keep it to under a few hours, I have to get to the golf course.

Breaking: Prince Philip Anxious To Reveal Information About Hillary Clinton

Vatican attacked by Biden administration upon hearing it was harboring weapons of Mass deconstruction

“That’s a buncha Bergoglio!” said Biden in an interview with George Stephanopolous, with a cheapish grin.

“I’ve never strayed far from my Muslim faith,” Biden opined, counting his rosaries on a nearby prop table.

Stephanopolous cursed and said “Not again!”; followed by “You mean your Christian faith” — at which point Biden nodded emphatically off, and Major bit both of them.