Saturday Night Hootenanny

Looks like Les declined the next cluster so has to settle for the Golden Fiddle. Congrats to Fugazi for is his second win. Well done.

Right. Now we go to tonight’s music. Let us see if our contestants can get this one. I feel good about this.

On to the music!

If You Have Five Pennies To Spare (And I’m Not Assuming You Do), You Can Attend Tonight’s Hootenanny

Feed For Thought

Former ADT Technician Pleads Guilty To Hacking Home Security Cams In North Texas, Faces Up To 5 Years In Prison
CBS Dallas/Fort Worth | January 21, 2021 | Staff

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – A home security technician has pleaded guilty to repeatedly hacking into customers’ video feeds, announced Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Prerak Shah.

“Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Prerak Shah” [sic]

Yup. I just checked the website again, and that’s how it reads.

Telesforo Aviles, . . .

Heh! Is “sforo” or “foro” code for something?

. . . a 35-year-old former ADT employee, pleaded guilty to computer fraud on Thursday, Jan. 21, in federal court.

“This defendant, entrusted with safeguarding customers’ homes, instead intruded on their most intimate moments,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Prerak Shah. “We are glad to hold him accountable for this disgusting betrayal of trust.”

“The defendant used his position of employment to illegally breach the privacy of numerous people. The FBI works with our law enforcement partners to thoroughly investigate all cyber intrusions and hold criminals accountable for their actions,” said FBI Dallas Special Agent in Charge Matthew J. DeSarno.

“Cyber intrusions do not only affect businesses, but also members of the public. We encourage everyone to practice cyber hygiene . . .

Well, I can think of one approach, but I don’t think ADT would like it much.

. . . with all their connected devices by reviewing authorized users and routinely changing passwords.”

According to plea papers, Aviles admits that contrary to company policy, . . .

Cue George Costanza asking “Was that wrong?”

. . . he routinely added his personal email address to customers’ “ADT Pulse” accounts, giving himself real-time access to the video feeds from their homes.

In some instances, he claimed he needed to add himself temporarily in order to “test” the system; in other instances, he added himself without their knowledge.

Much like IMAO does . . . oh! Never mind.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Aviles took note of which homes had attractive women, then repeatedly logged into these customers’ accounts in order to view their footage for sexual gratification, he admits.

Plea papers indicate he watched numerous videos of naked women and couples engaging in sexual activity inside their homes.

Over a four and a half year period, Aviles secretly accessed roughly 200 customer accounts more than 9,600 times without their consent, he admits.

Aviles, who waived indictment and was charged via an information, now faces up to five years in federal prison.

Fortunately, inmates don’t have access to the internet in prison. Do they?

Try Not To Bother Basil; He’s Working on IMAO’s Income Taxes

Once he’s done, Walrus and I will dump a load of invoices for Raquel on him.

Shop Whistle, Followed by The Flintstones Theme Song

Paleontologists Say Gigantic Dinosaur Bones Could Be From Largest Land Animal Ever To Walk The Earth | Joseph Curl | Jan 25, 2021

. . . meh, could be . . .

“It’s obviously still inside the rock, so we have a few more years of digging ahead of us.”

Paleontologists: always playing for time.

A team of researchers with Naturales y Museo, Universidad de Zaragoza, and Universidad Nacional del Comahue actually found the remains in 2012, but excavation work only began in 2015,


“we expect to find much more of the skeleton in future field trips,”

Hmm. ($$)

“so we’ll have the possibility to address with confidence how really big it was,”

“This is a paleontology shop, isn’t it?”

“Finest in the country, squire!”

But researchers really don’t know what they’ve found.

“Now, look: I’m going to ask you one more time what you’ve found . . .”

“Titanosaurs belong to the sauropod family, which means they were herbivores, had massive bodies and long necks and tails,” reported. “Such dinosaurs would have had few worries from meat-eating enemies if they managed to grow to full size.

Aha, but emus are not meat-eaters.

“The researchers conclude by noting that more digging in the area will likely reveal more fossils . . . and perhaps evidence of its true size.”

Paeleontologists — physicists — astronomers — they read from the exact same script!

“We have more than half the tail, a lot of hip bones,

That’s it? I have an exhaust pipe from a ’69 VW Bug. You want to predict how that looked?

said Carballido, who also worked on the classification of Patagotitan a few years ago. “It’s obviously still inside the rock,”

I’m not a funded paleontologist, and I could have determined that.

“so we have a few more years of digging ahead of us.”

Hippie-punching a time clock?

A Law of Physics

You drop a grape, an M&M — or anything round-ish — while standing in front of your refrigerator, stove, or cabinet:

In which direction do you think it will roll?

Yes, you’ve guessed it.

Why is that?

If they could only harness that power for good!



For some reason, a bazillion spammers think we are high-volume distributors of HCL or whatever (cannabis oil) and porn.

So, you know…

If you’re in the market for anonymous suppliers, please let us know.

We get hundreds of them every day. You’ll never be lonely.

Straight Line of the Day: It’s Time To Make a Bold Stand! What Are You Against?

Straight Line of the Day: It’s time to make a bold stand! What are you against?

Or is that take a bold stand? Or fake a bold stand? Either way, go on record, fearlessly.


I See You’ve Awakened, Mr. Bond. Don’t Worry; This Little Device Will Do My Questioning For Me. Welcome to IMAO!


Helm and Haw

Submitted by Slapout:

(My very sincerest apologies if my spam filter has been shunting Slapout aside these past weeks!)


Whatever floats your boat . . .

. . .