Tuesday Night Open Thread: The Beauty of Government Planning

Bullet Train Contractor Warns of Further Two-Year Delay as State Struggles To Secure Land
The Los Angeles Times | March 29, 2021 | Ralph Vartabedian

A major construction team on the California bullet train project notified the state rail authority this month that it will not complete a 65-mile section of the future route in Kings County until at least April 14, 2025 — nearly two years after the date that the state included in a business plan adopted Thursday.

The additional delay could again boost costs and jeopardize the state’s funding plan to complete a partial operating system between Bakersfield and Merced by 2030. The project’s rising price tag has forced the state to repeatedly scale it back and delay indefinitely a goal to have the train running from Los Angeles to San Francisco — at speeds up to 220 miles per hour — by 2020.

The notification of the new delay came in a letter dated March 9 to the California High-Speed Rail Authority. A construction team led by the Spanish firm Dragados described a chaotic system for projecting future construction progress because of state delays in securing land for construction.

The Times obtained a copy of the letter, which complained that the rail authority’s failure to accurately predict land acquisition has tangled construction schedules and caused fitful conditions along the route.
Dragados said it has had to hire workers as land becomes available and then lay them off as it awaits new parcels. It said that “trepidation” among subcontractors and suppliers is resulting in higher risk that must be priced into bids for work. “Therefore, the impact of providing a schedule which includes incorrect right of way dates will only exacerbate these impacts,” the letter said.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Extra, Extra! Read All About It! Man Claims To Be President!

Offers No Proof

D.C. Press Attempts To Question Him; He Declines To Appear

“Who Is This Guy?” Reporters Eventually Ask

Election Safeguards Suspended

Update: Major Bites Reporters

OK, Fess Up: Which One of You Wrote This?

From the spam files:

Its not my first ime to pay a quick visit
this website, i am visiting this web site daily and get nice information from here all
the time.

Might as well come clean: that word “ime” is a dead giveaway.

Swiped Off the Internet

“We’re all about 9 months older than we say we are, really.”

House Democrats Introduce Bill To Ban Duckpin Bowling “Just Because”

In a late-night session, House Democrats rammed through a motion to ban duckpin bowling because, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi later announced, “it appeared some Republicans may be having fun.”

A man drinking beer at a nearby counter was unavailable for comment through his mask.

Straight Line of the Day: Chemistry Is Racist!

I don’t have any reason for posting this, other than that Math, History, and Western Literature have already been sacrificed on the altar of alter by our universities, leaving only chemisty, physics, and Women’s Studies (“They didn’t use “y”! They assumed one gender! They . . . Hate cryme!”) on the logic-chopping block. So:

Straight Line of the Day: Chemistry is racist! Because …

Tomorrow we’ll X-plane why physics is also racist, so keep your p x owder dry.

Welcome to IMAO! The Question Is: Who Is in the Lead?

Caption This!

“I’m a bit indisposed Mr. Walrus, can you bring in the Caption This! photo yourself?”

Well, if I must, I must.

A Collage, More Than a College

Dumb Camp: Universities Continue To Churn Out a Poor Product
Thoughts from the 42nd Parallel | 04-09-2021 | Tom Shattuck

Here we go again. It’s the time of year when we have to muster the energy to pretend to be happy when a friend tells us their child is headed off to college.

It’s a sad perennial ritual in which a sometimes unique and interesting young person departs and an overconfident, woke and melodramatic clone returns, just months later.

They preen in the glow of their nonconformity, trumpet their individualism and relish in their distinctive worldview, too intoxicated by their self-perceived uniqueness to notice that they are exact facsimiles of millions of other mass-produced units coming off the factory floor.

In short, they are monotonous.

Way too many kids go to college. We’re not talking about the people with their ducks in a row. Trade schools, nursing schools, the fields of engineering and medicine are generally home to kids who are in it to win it.