Thursday Night Open Thread: Plan Accordingly

Are you aware that gastroparesis awareness month is in August?

What about National Pediculosis prevention month? Do you know when that is? What that is? (lice and September).

— Jennifer Christie,, April 11, 2021

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

One More AOC

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:


Bask in the Glory of Kurt Schlichter’s Prose!

The man has a way with words….

Letting Hunter Biden Off Is A Message To Us Peasants| April 12, 2021 | Kurt Schlichter

The fact that the loser spawn of Grandpa Badfinger is thumbing his coke-caked nose at the justice system represents not merely the tacky machinations of a crusty pol protecting the family Fredo.

It has a deeper and more cynical purpose – to show us that our overlords are unaccountable and that the law is now merely another implement in the regime’s toolkit of oppression. They are telling us that they and their scumbag progeny can do whatever they want, but that we can’t.

In the short term, this is infuriating. In the long term, it could bring down the system our garbage ruling caste inherited.

They are throwing it in our faces, thinking it’s a good plan to force us to submit. Right now, hundreds of Americans are being prosecuted for trespassing inside their own Capitol building, and eager agents of the American Stasi are salivating at the idea of charging them with “sedition” for doing exactly what hordes of leftist dirtbags did in the past.

Of course, none of the leftist dirtbags were shot dead while unarmed by some cop whose name we still don’t know. That’s another message. If you are a petty criminal dying of a self-inflicted fentanyl overdose while you resist arrest, we’ll know the name of the cop unlucky enough to be the guy arresting you when you expired. But cap an unarmed female vet for climbing through a window? Shhhh. That’s a secret.

President Asterisk came out and announced that his administration was going to be cracking down on those terrible gun people even as his Snortunate Son got a pass for lying about his drug addiction on his background check.

Does anyone imagine that if Don Jr. had been a meth-mouthed pervert who got kicked out of the Navy on his first day for drugs and who had filled out a false background check for a gun that this would not have been the first question to President Trump? Did it even get brought up to *, much less in any of Huffer Biden’s interviews for his new zillion-dollar book, “My Ghostwriter Wrote This So My Loser Family Could Get Yet Another Laundered Pay-Off?”

Surely you jest. I just hope he had the class to buy the swooning reporters dinner first and to wear protection.

Straight Line of the Day: Tax Day! One Can Only Hope Your Money Is Going to…

Straight Line of the Day: Tax Day! One can only hope your money is going to…


Welcome to IMAO! Frankly, This Room Alarms Even Us

Cartoons and Memes

Queue Raquel…

Special Personal Assistant to Walruskkkch

“Cartoons and memes are good to go sir.”