Friday Night Open Thread: In Case You Still Imagine You Can Get Unbiased Info Online

Scientists From Oxford, Harvard, and Princeton Talked COVID Policy With Gov. DeSantis. YouTube Deleted It
PJ Media | 04/10/2021 | Tyler O’ Neill

This week, YouTube deleted footage of a COVID-19 roundtable discussion between Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) and medical experts from Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard. The doctors and medical experts reportedly disputed Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance that children wear masks in school to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Cody McCloud, DeSantis’s press secretary, condemned the move as “another blatant example of Big Tech attempting to silence those who disagree with their woke corporate agenda,” NBC News reported.


“YouTube claimed they removed the video because ‘it contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities,’ yet this roundtable was led by world-renowned doctors and epidemiologists from Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard, all of whom are eminently qualified to speak on the global health crisis,” McCloud argued.

Arguing don’t feed the bulldog.

“Good public health policy should include a variety of scientific and technical expertise, and YouTube’s decision to remove this video suppresses productive dialogue of these complex issues.”

Ah, YouTube exercising the First Amendment’s freedom of suppress . . .

The roundtable had been embedded in a WTSB TV’s news story. Jeffrey Tucker, editorial director at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), first reported the fact that YouTube had removed it.

. . .

“YouTube has clear policies around Covid-19 medical misinformation to support the health and safety of our users,” YouTube spokesperson Elena Hernandez said in a statement.

“We removed AIER’s video because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks.”

While YouTube allows videos “that otherwise violate our policies to remain on the platform if they contain sufficient educational, documentary, scientific or artistic context,” the platform apparently decided that the roundtable with scientific experts whose advice helped DeSantis make policy decisions on the COVID-19 pandemic did not fall under the “educational” umbrella.

“Our policies apply to everyone and focus on content regardless of the speaker or channel,” Hernandez insisted.

Mm hmm. Please show us what leftist content they have blocked.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Huh. I Failed To Add, Math Is Racist, Too

It’s filled with “8” speech.

It’s All Fund and Gains Until Somebody Gets Hurt

Submitted by Slapout:

You Can’t Hinder the Truth!

Submitted by Slapout:


Straight Line of the Day: What You Would Tell Someone Just Learning “Scrabble,” From Your Own Experience

Straight Line of the Day: What you would tell someone just learning “Scrabble,” from your own experience

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Friday Headlines

Hi gang a little something new for you. First of all I would like to introduce another new special assistant, please make her feel welcome.

“Buona sera amici miei.”

We’ve been doing the Straight Line of the Day for awhile and I wanted to introduce a little something different. Something that will stretch you out a bit, maybe make you a starter some day.

This is a write me a paragraph challenge. I will present an actual headline from real, honest to God, sources and I want you to give me the money opening paragraph. The only paragraph anyone ever reads.

So, shall we give it a try?

“They May Take Our Liv-A-Snaps, But They Can’t Take Our Freedom!”

Submitted by Slapout: