Thursday Night Open Thread: Meteor Maker

Send ’em off in a blaze of glory: point them towards the Sun.

Astronauts who die during Mars mission could be buried on the Red Planet, sent into eternal orbit around its atmosphere – or EATEN by other crew members | April 17, 2021 | Stacy Liberatore

Experts have suggested a number of ways to dispose the body, including ‘jettison’ it into the dark abyss or burying the person on Mars – but the remains would first need to be burned to not contaminate the surface.

However, a worst case scenario has been presented where the space fairing heroes run out of food and the only thing edible is the dead body of their fallen crew mate.

NASA does not have set protocols for dealing with death in space, but researchers around the world have put the work in to respectfully dispose of a fallen astronaut, as reported on by Popular Science.

If a crew member dies while making the more than 170-million-mile journey to Mars, the body can be placed in the cold storage or freeze dried until the craft touches down.

Releasing the body into space seems like the easiest option, it would become trapped in the path of the craft and linger exactly where it was let go.

And if numerous missions choose this method, future rockets heading to Mars will soar through a sea of dead bodies.

NASA has strict laws about contaminating other planets with Earth microbes.

‘Regarding the disposal of organic material (including bodies) on Mars,’ NASA’s Conley told Popular Science, ‘we impose no restrictions so long as all Earth microbes have been killed―so cremation would be necessary.’

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Darn It, Needs a Last Line

There once was a fellow named Joe
Who hugged, but would never let go.
The press said “OK …
But only on days that end with”-day”;

Following in My Footsteps

U.S. Will Boost ‘Do Not Travel’ Advisories to 80% of World
Reuters via AOL | April 20, 2021 | David Shepardson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. State Department said on Monday it will boost its “Do Not Travel” guidance to about 80% of countries worldwide …

Getting to 80% would imply adding nearly 130 countries.

Wow — What did the airline industry do to tick off the Bidens?

Eminent Dumbpain

Submitted by Slapout:

OK, Let’s Listen to the Guy Joe Biden Calls “The Smartest Person I Know”:

Hunter Biden Says He Smoked ‘More Parmesan Cheese Than Anyone’ When He Was Addicted to Crack Cocaine
Business Insider | Apr 8, 2021 | Cheryl Teh

Hunter Biden has revealed that at the height of his addiction he found himself picking through rugs, looking for and smoking “anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine.”

In a televised interview with CBS News, Biden told the correspondent Tracy Smith that he found himself “on my hands and knees picking through rugs” and mistook granular substances like Parmesan cheese for cocaine on more than one occasion.

“I probably smoked more Parmesan cheese than anyone that you know,” Biden said, adding that he once went 13 days without sleeping, “smoking crack and drinking vodka exclusively throughout that entire time.”

Biden was talking to CBS about a passage in his new book, “Beautiful Things,” in which he described locking himself in his apartment in Washington, DC, bingeing on crack cocaine with a homeless woman who had moved in with him and taught him how to get high.

Straight Line of the Day: It’s Time To Drop a Dime on Your Old Friend: Now You Can Reveal He…

Straight Line of the Day: It’s time to drop a dime on your old friend Joey: now you can reveal he…

Welcome to IMAO! This Is Our Temple of . . . I Forget

Just try not to look directly at it too long.

Cartoons and Memes

Superduper special Assistant to the Walrus: Raquel Welch

“Got the goods right here Mr. Walrus.”

Dems Are a RICO Case

Submitted by Slapout:

(Spellcheck fail, appaarently.)