Saturday Night Hootenanny

We welcome Gumbeaux to the Golden Order of the Emu. At least it wasn’t Les. (I keed! I keed!)

So on to another go round and this time, this time I just know I will prevail.

To the music.

Uh-Oh: Looks Like Baltic Greta Might Have To Eat C(r)O(2)

“How Dairy You?”

Baltic Clams and Worms Release as Much Greenhouse Gas as 20,000 Dairy Cows
Cardiff University via | Oct. 13, 2017

The findings, which have been published in the journal Scientific Reports, point to a so-far neglected source of greenhouse gasses in the sea and could have a profound impact on decision-makers.

So could a . . . well, so could a well-crafted argument.

So what has she done to lobby her shellfish — very shellfish — country to ban those rising tides of nutrient-rich water and warmer, balmier days?

Bitter Klingons

Title and image submitted by Les:

Don’t Take It for ‘Granted’

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: The Next Thing To Be Deemed Offensive: …

Straight Line of the Day: The next thing to be claimed offensive: …

Welcome to IMAO! Grab the Garden Hose, Will You?

Maybe start a bucket brigade?

Candied Camera

Submitted by Slapout: