Never. Trust. Polls.

In a stunningly duplicitous story aimed at shoring up the response to Biden’s speech, CBS claimed on television and on their website: “Most viewers who tuned in to watch President Biden’s speech liked what they heard and came away feeling optimistic about America.”

What they didn’t tell their viewers, nor readers, is that the poll was wildly biased towards self-identifying “Democrats” and traditionally left-leaning “Independents” and self-described “Moderates”.

They polled 510 Democrats, and just 169 Republicans. They added 235 “Independents” to the methodology, which also usually skew left. A further 3 percent were not identified.

The full poll details reveal that CBS actually spoke with 10,420 U.S. adults and then whittled the sample size down to just 943.

The National Pulse | April 29, 2021


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