Saturday Night Hootenanny

Good evening. I’ll give you three guesses who got last week’s trivia… and the first two don’t count. Congrats, once again, to Les.

I just feel it in my bones though that this will be the week. Just gotta be.

To the music.

Phat Yourselves On the Back!

We absolutely couldn’t get this kind of praise without you!

A Spam comment notes:

Everyone loves what you guys tend to be up too. This kind of clever work and exposure! Keep up the very good.

Back on the Shelf

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: When Psaki’s Gone, Who Would You Nominate for Next Press Secretary?

Straight Line of the Day: When Psaki’s gone, who would you nominate for next press secretary?


Welcome to IMAO! If you Brought Horses and Maidens, Use the Stairway. If Not, Stand on the Target

Abused By Reality

Submitted by Slapout: