Tuesday Night Open Thread: Your Slang for the Day

From author John Gould:

When lumbering began and drives of long logs came down the Maine rivers to mill, now and then a persnickety log would turn crosswise of the stream and cause a jam — a logjam. This brought much work and great danger to the river drivers, who came to call this particular log the jillpoke. So in Maine anybody who does booby things and causes trouble is a damn jillpoke. It’s a Maine word.

This Trifling Distinction: Reminiscences From Down East (1978) p.176

Now, who in politics might we refer to as a jillpoker?

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Virtue Signalling: As Practical and Long-Lasting as a Glass Slipper

Introducing ‘Fab G’ Fairy Godmother is Played by Crossdressing Black Man in Cinderella Reboot
Clarion News | May 17, 2021 | J.D. Rucker

Amazon has released images of Billy Porter’s “Fab G,” who will play the role of the fairy godmother in the upcoming Cinderella reboot.

Writer-director Kay Cannon made it abundantly clear that she is creating her movie, described as a “jukebox musical” that will be released on Amazon Prime in September, to push an agenda.


Hunter, a House of Bricks Is So Last Year

Submitted by Slapout:

… we now have a house of straw.

Free Annual Boosters for Seniors!

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

It’s That 3 P.M. Call Thing That Comes with the Job!

White House ‘Calls a Lid’ 1:48 p.m. Monday After Biden’s Extended Weekend Trip Home to Delaware
Breitbart | 05/17/2021 | Charlie Spiering

The White House on Monday called an early afternoon lid on President Joe Biden’s public activities after an extended weekend at home in Delaware.
The president ended his schedule of public events at 1:48 p.m. EST — after about four hours of work.

Because Shut Up

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: Just as “D” Makes the Difference Between Ladies and Laddies, …

Straight Line of the Day: Just as “D” makes the difference between Ladies and Laddies, …

… and “e” is the difference between the Chinese and the Chines, …

Welcome to IMAO! Don’t Pull That Lever

Caption This!

I’m laughing already.

Dodged a Ballot

Submitted by Slapout: