Friday Night Open Thread: They Don’t Deliver Lines Like This Any More

Continuing with the Orson Welles theme, from his documentary F for Fake:

“‪And this has been standing here for centuries. The premier work of man, perhaps, in the whole Western world — and it’s without a signature. Chartres. A celebration to God’s glory and to the dignity of man.

All that’s left, most artists seem to feel these days, is man. Naked, poor, forked radish. There aren’t any celebrations. Ours, the scientists keep telling us, is a universe which is disposable.

You know, it might be just this one anonymous glory of all things, this rich stone forest, this epic chant, this gaiety, this grand, choiring shout of affirmation, which we choose when all our cities are dust, to stand intact, to mark where we have been, to testify to what we had it in us to accomplish.

Our works in stone, in paint, in print, are spared, some of them for a few decades or a millennium or two, but everything must finally fall in war, or wear away into the ultimate and universal ash. The triumphs and the frauds, the treasures and the fakes. A fact of life. We’re going to die. ‘Be of good heart,’ cry the dead artists out of the living past. Our songs will all be silenced — but what of it? Go on singing. Maybe a man’s name doesn’t matter all that much.”‬

Video clip (2:33)

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


  1. I’m wondering what Thelma Lou does for a living. I don’t remember ever hearing a job title yet she is a homeowner. Barney is a deputy and he seems to barely afford a rental in a rooming house.

    So is she independently wealthy? Is it family money? If so then that doesn’t seem to jibe with his bigotry for rich people. Case in point when he was so down on that woman from New Orleans that Andy was dating for a brief while.

    But maybe dating rich girls is ok when it’s him doing it.

    Or should I repeat to myself it’s just a show and I should really just relax.

    • I never wondered about that before.

      Since she’s friends with Helen, could she be in the same pay bracket as a teacher?

      But then, they might only be friends because they’re dating the two guys.

      Andy also dated some pharmacist, and I never heard Barney swaggering about how much richer his date was (which he surely would have done), so Thelma Lou has to be around that income bracket.

      Why didn’t they ever say what she did for a living? Were they embarrassed? Was she Floyd’s pimp? Was she Otis’s moonshiner?

  2. Thelma Lou was Mayberry’s only “lady of the evening”. Having a local monopoly she was able to charge inordinately high fees – hence the ability to own her own home and, thus, allowing her to economize by avoiding hourly motel rental fees. In addition, she was able to escape lawyer and other law enforcement related costs commonly incurred by others in her line of work by giving away free samples to half the local police force.

  3. I went to update my driver’s license to the Real ID, so I can use it to board a plane without my passport (all of which may be moot after the vaccine passport laws start taking effect). Anyhow, the nice lady asked me if I was registered to vote and somehow mentioned that she could change my affiliation. Hot dog, that’ll save me a trip to the courthouse (which is only 200 yds away in this small town, but hey, I’m lazy), so I asked her to change it from Republican to Independent.

    I’m so done with the GOP. My Senators are Tillis and Burr. The GOP has been complicit with this covid hysteria, which is just a power grab. Maybe they’ll stop sending me mail, begging me for money.

    Thelma Lou was so out of Barney’s league. Way hotter than any of Andy’s girlfriends. Andy should have snatched her up.

  4. I disagree about Thelma Lou. That pharmacist chick was hotter.

    Helen Crump may have been a demon in the sack . . . schoolmarm, you know.

    I agree with registering as Independent. I did that way back in college, and I’ve never gotten more than one piece of political mail or one phone call a year. Paradise.

    R’s have done nothing to oppose the Steal (except that gesture in Arizona), so I don’t like them.

    As for Real ID, if I have to own a passport anyway, it might as well pull its weight.

  5. OK, not that anyone asked, but why would the Howells have gone on a 3-hour tour with a rickitty one-boat cruise operation in the first place? Wouldn’t Thurston have had his own yacht? Probably the same for Ginger too…

  6. When I first moved to my current locale, a very blue state I envy you people your RINOs, I went to register to vote like the good American that I am. The nice lady at the desk asked me if I wanted to register for a political party. I responded “yes”. She then asked me “Democrat or Independent”? I waited a few heartbeats thinking “or”… you know, that other party. She just sat there so I ventured “Republican” and she stared at me a few seconds before saying, “okay”.

    Anyway I remained a Republican until 2010 when I switched to being an Independent the final straw being how the party treated Sarah Palin and the emerging TEA party movement. I remained an Independent up to last year when I switched to Democrat. Why you may ask. I did so to screw around with their nominating process. It became only the second time I voted for a Democrat my entire life. Only other time was when I voted for John Silber over William Weld in 1990. Hey, he was the most conservative person running. So that’s my political journey.

    • I live in the mountains in NC. Our county went for Trump 2:1 and leans strongly Republican across the board. However, in NC, if you want to work for the DOT, you have to be a Democrat. The next county over leans Democrat and typically votes Dem for the Gov. and the federal offices. They’ve had their road repaved at least four times since we’ve lived here. Our county–same road–has been resurfaced once. A friend’s dad worked for the DOT. When he went to apply, he was told before he did anything to be sure that he’s registered Democrat.

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