Thursday Night Open Thread: He Knows How To Treat a Lady

Just when I had begun to lose my faith in humanity, comes this story out of Zimbabwe:

Drama as Youth Leader Almost Dies Fasting for a Lamborghini for His Girlfriend
Mbare Times | 23/05/2021 | Lucky Mabhiza

There was drama, chaos and shock as a well-respected church member almost lost his life due to fasting. However, the reason for fasting is the one that has made this story be viral as it is.

A Risen Saints Church Bindura youth leader Mark Muradzira (27) almost died after an absolute fast that lasted 33 days and 33 nights. He was fasting for a Lamborghini after his girlfriend had said it’s her dream car.

He hid in the mountains so no one could force him to eat until he was rescued by a friend, looking frail and almost unrecognisable. His target was 40 days and 40 nights. He is being treated at Bindura General Hospital and is showing signs of recovery. His church leader Bishop Mawuru said it was unfortunate that he had decided to fast for a Lambo.

“He should at least have fasted for a job since he is unemployed.” Church members tried to raise the money to buy him a Lambo but soon gave up after it was announced the cheapest they could get was going for around $400 000.

The $37 and 250 RTGS they had raised has since been diverted to settle the increasing medical bill.

Master Plan:

1. Fast

2. ??????????

3. Lamborghini!

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Nah, This Headline Can’t Mean What I Think It Means

Role of Women Highlighted in Study Focused on the Benefits of Good Farmer Seed Production | June 3, 2021

Charlton Heston’s Gun Finally Removed

Too soon?

Learned a New Term Today, Volume XXII: Joe Biden Is a Paper Captain

Coast Guard Halts Illegal Use Of “Paper Captains” In WA-Based Tuna Fishing Operation
KXRO (Radio) Aberdeen WA | May 28, 2021

The Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries law enforcement teams announced that they have investigated and ceased the use of illegal foreign nationals on a fleet of commercial tuna fishing vessels that operate out of Washington during the summer months.

In their release, the Coast Guard states that since 2019, they have worked collaboratively with CBP and NOAA agents, and detected eight separate “paper captain” violations operating in the Pacific Northwest.

The term “paper captain” is given to an individual listed on documents as a U.S.-flagged vessel’s captain but in actuality serves as a deckhand or in a similar lower‐level capacity.

It is the law (46 USC §12131) that a documented vessel be under the command of a U.S. citizen.

Let the Woke-ies Win

Submitted by Slapout:


Straight Line of the Day: Hunter Biden Just Gave His Dad a Great Idea: …

Straight Line of the Day: Hunter Biden just gave his dad a great idea: …

Welcome to IMAO! The Left/Right Divide Could Not Be Clearer

Cartoons and Memes

“Sorry for the delay sir, the computer was down.”

Apology accepted Number 1.

Summa Cum Laude

Submitted by Slapout: