Friday Night Open Thread: FrankJ Comments Age Well

Being a shameless bootlicker, I will say that you can go way back to 2015 — before your waiter/waitress was even born — and find that FrankJ’s “Random Thoughts” stand the test of time. And he didn’t even know that vaccines would become such a hot topic. Or did he?

Random Thoughts: Vaccines
Posted by Frank J. on 4 February 2015, 8:18 am

It would really help things if scientists just told us what causes autism instead of making everybody guess.

I just found out that my parents vaccinated me as a child without my permission.

I thought Harper Lee was a publishing company.

For the record, vaccination shots made my children very angry. But they were little babies so they couldn’t do anything about it.

Man, does America need a tiger to swallow whole before we choke to death on all these gnats.

The reason we couldn’t get that ultra-libertarian colony on the moon going is we couldn’t agree on what the vaccination policy should be.

It seems like with vaccines and GMO foods, some people aren’t weighing the known benefits enough versus the possible, unknown problems.

If I were presidential candidate, I’d carry needle of vaccine to inject any reporter who asked me about it. “That’s how much I support it.”

I really like vaccines, but I also don’t like people arguing for things they don’t understand by yelling, “Science!”


Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


Just Emulating Their Commander-in-Chief

US Soldiers Accidentally Invade Factory During Training Snafu | 6/3/2021 | Eric Sorensen

The US Military is under fire after a training incident gone awry.

According to a recent report, a group of soldiers were engaged in a training exercise in Bulgaria when a mistake sent them off course. The group was assigned the task of clearing and securing multiple structures on the US airbase in Cheshnigirovo when they inadvertently strayed from the designated area and onto private property.

Task and Purpose said the soldiers with the 173rd Airborne Brigade then accidentally stormed the operating factory next door, seizing and clearing the premises of the company’s bewildered and, no doubt, terrified employees.

Some evidence suggests the factory, which reportedly produces equipment used in olive oil production, was entered by soldiers with weapons drawn, though the Army has stressed that no firearms were discharged in the incident. Either way, the media source Arms Watch has reported that the factory’s owner has since filed a lawsuit.

And Bulgarian President Rumen Radev isn’t too happy either. He is demanding a full investigation, calling it “inadmissable” that Bulgarian citizens lives were put at risk, saying: “The exercises with our allies on the territory of Bulgaria should contribute to building security and trust in collective defense, not breed tension.”

In a statement issued by the US Embassy, the US Military has apologized for the disastrous training incident and says it will investigate the cause.

Meanwhile, no soliders have been disciplined in relation to the event.

Of course not — they’ve purged all the Republicans.

This Is What Collectivism Gets You, Folks

China’s communist government has decided that people can have three kids — after all the ones they forced to be aborted. Isn’t that nice?

China’s new three-child policy sends baby and maternity stocks soaring
CNN Business | May 31, 2021 | Julia Horowitz

… The Chinese Communist Party’s top leadership made the decision to permit couples to have up to three children at a meeting Monday, though state media reports did not say when the policy change would be implemented.

It comes just three weeks after Beijing published its 2020 census, which showed China’s population was growing at its slowest rate in decades.

That’s putting major pressure on an economy that relies on a young workforce to support an aging population and keep up high levels of growth…

I simply don’t understand the liberal half of this country that wants a centralized government sticking its nose into every facet of your life. I guess they figure (correctly, as it turns out) that they will be able to exempt themselves from the rules they impose on everyone else.

So what are they going to call the mothers of these huge Chinese families? Three-Gorgeous Dams?

Alternate Title: “With the Stroke of a Pen, China Triples Its Chances of Stepping on a Lego in the Middle of the Night”

Covid Vaccines Found To Cause Harpies

This is a heartbreaking story.

Facial Precognition Technology

Submitted by Slapout:


Straight Line of the Day: It Used To Be “You Kids Get Off of My Lawn!” — Now It’s “You Kids…”

Straight Line of the Day: It used to be “You kids get off of my lawn!” — Now it’s “You kids…”


Welcome to IMAO! Grab a Ladder

We might be able to make this the finest roof anywhere!

Girl or the Gun?

Once again it is time to choose.

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Girl or the gun?

“Hey, Ho!”

Submitted by Slapout: