Saturday Night Hootenanny

Hooo Doggy! Time for some music. Let’s dive right in.

Have Political Cartoonists Started Referring to Biden’s Advisors as “The China Cabinet”?

If not, they oughta.

There’s a lot of poor-sellin’.

And some Psaki cups.

No bowls, though. They’re bowlless.

Moody Blue Strategists


You made a fool of the U.S.

Through all those awesome curve-balls you threw us . . .

♫  ♫

Hey, Media, now you’ve got the Blues

Seeing no more Dr. Faustus on the evening news

No “leading opinion,” no one to care

Just open mics and emails here and there

♫  ♫

There’s “a hole” in the stories as more news comes in

You took our freedom and you played to win

Ha, ha! Wuhan! It’s a cryin’ shame

Bioweepin’, there’s no one else to blame

♫  ♫

Media: Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

♫  ♫

So blame it on another town

It hit someone old, we all had to hunker down

But a fool and this puzzle soon go separate ways

Media muzzled — their pool’s a puddle these days

♫  ♫

Ha, ha, Wuhan, what you gonna do?

You destroyed all credibility, now they’re turning blue

It’s so good for China that we’re feelin’ pain

With the gain of function, their function’s gained.

♫  ♫

Media: Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)

♫  ♫

Media Evil Wuhan how you done me wrong

But now you’re tryin’ to Tsing a different song

Ha, ha, funny ― but behind the smiles ―

We’ve got no Chinese Wall, but theirs goes on for miles

♫  ♫

We came with funding, but went into debt

You caught Hunter, but not all of us yet

Ha, ha, Wuhan, very nice to know

That that ain’t no problem; ten percent you know

♫  ♫

Media: Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

Evil Wuhan

♫  ♫

Bonus Whiplash From the Media

Submitted by Slapout:

More Whiplash From the Biden Administration

DHS Secretary Says Border Is Closed: ‘The Message Is Quite Clear, Do Not Come’
MSN | March 21, 2021 | Mychael Schnell

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday urged migrants not to travel to the United States, as the Biden administration struggles with a surge of incomers, especially unaccompanied minors, at the southern border.

The message is quite clear, do not come. The border is closed, the border is secure,” Mayorkas told host Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week.”

“We are encouraging children not to come. Now is not the time to come. Do not come, the journey is dangerous. We are building safe, orderly and humane ways to address the needs of vulnerable children. Do not come,” Mayorkas added.

. . . And now for something completely opposite:

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Ends ‘Remain in Mexico’ Program with Plans to Free More Migrants into U.S.
Breitbart | June 1, 2021 | John Binder

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas officially ended the “Remain in Mexico” program, which sought to cut asylum fraud by preventing the release of migrants into the United States.

Immediately after taking office, Biden suspended the Remain in Mexico program, nearly two years after it was implemented by the Trump administration to reduce asylum fraud. Days later, Biden instructed top DHS officials to strategize a plan that would release at least 25,600 migrants enrolled in the program into the U.S. interior.

On Tuesday, Mayorkas announced the official end of Remain in Mexico, despite its highly effective rate of preventing asylum fraud, where migrants are released into the U.S. interior, are eventually found to be ineligible for asylum, and then remain living in the country as illegal aliens.

As part of the announcement, Mayorkas said from February 19 to May 25,

. . . while he was pretending there was no incentive to come . . .

DHS had released about 11,200 migrants enrolled in the program into the U.S. interior. More migrants, Mayorkas said, will be released into the interior.

Applause and Orangeish

Submitted by Slapout:


Probably in a Toyota Corona

Submitted by Slapout:

Once Again, IMAO Is Ahead of the Curve

Walrus just recently featured “I Wanna Be a Lifeguard” in his musical selections.

Report: Lifeguards can thank heavyweight union for $300,000 pay ‘Sweetheart’ contract credited for ‘ridiculous salaries’ | 6/4/2021 | Bob Unruh

Many of the union lifeguards working in Los Angeles County make more money than the governor’s $210,000 salary, and the top earners were approaching $400,000, and they can thank a powerful union that took advantage of a noncompetitive contract, according to a new report.

John Miltimore has written at the Foundation for Economic Education that an OpenTheBooks review found the top earner was Fernando Boiteux, who got $291,971 in salary, benefits and perks as “acting chief lifeguard” in 2019.

… and he must’ve gotten a lot in overtime, because:

Second was Capt. Daniel Douglas, whose compensation was only $368,668.

“Nearly all the top paid lifeguards were men, the report notes, and pay was driven largely by overtime. In fact, 31 lifeguards made between $50,000 and $131,500 in overtime compensation alone,” he reported.

Straight Line of the Day: Shocking Revelations About The Peanuts Gang:

Straight Line of the Day: Shocking revelations about the Peanuts Gang:

Welcome to IMAO! We’re Carving a “No Metal Carving Allowed” Sign

O, Brave New World Ordure!

Submitted by Slapout:


The Weird-Association Test

Submitted by Slapout: