Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Good Evening all and we welcome our next recipient of the an very larger string instrument…


Fugazi correctly guessed that all the songs mentioned a military rank. Well done sir.

So, on to tonight’s contest.

Grauman’s Chinese Theater Reveals It’s Been Collecting Fingerprints, Footprints, and DNA From Possible Deviants For Decades

Turns Database Over To Authorities

MSM Blames Recent Attacks on Asians and Pacific Islanders on Grauman’s Zionist Use of “Chinese” Name — or Menu — Or Labor. Whatever.

Biden Appoints Harris to Investigate

Harris, in Bermuda, Says: “We’re Going There . . . We’ve Been There . . . We’ve Been . . . We’ve . . . I Don’t Get the Point of Your Question? Heh-heh-heh”

Well, They Said It Might Be Taped

Submitted by Slapout:

Diagnosis From Dr. Epstein …

… “SARS-CoV-2 didn’t become the only coronavirus of its type to carry a rare DNA segment — rarely seen in nature, but commonly used by gain-of-function researchers — called CGG-CGG (which allows its spike protein to be activated by a common enzyme called furin, which in turn makes it better at invading neighbouring cells) by itself!”

(My, he’s getting wordy in the afterlife. Couldn’t get him to talk before.)

Quote of the Day: Ambiance Chaser

If society seems a just a tad divisive lately, remember someone once said “Wars are not the beginning of conflict, but the end.”


Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: One Thing You Wear as a Badge of Honor:

Straight Line of the Day: One thing you wear as a badge of honor:

Welcome to IMAO! This Intern Thing Is the Wave of the Future

The Biden Economeek

Submitted by Slapout:

