Friday Night Open Thread: No Word on Whether It Could Hit the Millenium Falcon

US Army Developing World’s Most Powerful Laser Weapon for a ‘Future Battlefield’ | June 10, 2021 | Liz George

The U.S. Army is building the world’s most powerful laser weapon, capable of vaporizing targets and interrupting adversaries’ technology signals. The weapon is over one million times more powerful than any other laser developed before, NewScientist reported.

According to the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) website, the laser system, known as the Tactical Ultrashort Pulsed Laser (USPL) for Army Platforms, will stand apart from current lasers by emitting short pulses that rely on low energy, unlike current lasers which typically produce continuous waves.

. . .

According to the report, the system being developed will reach a terawatt for 200 femtoseconds, or one quadrillionth of a second. The split-second laser would be capable of incinerating a drone. The laser is also being designed to interrupt electronic signals by emitting an electromagnetic pulse.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Former Senator Beclowns Self, Embarrasses Nation in Executive Branch

Biden and Harris Assume Headline Is About the Other One

Roll Eyes, Nudge Heads Towards Each Other, Slyly Point Fingers

(Video not available on YouTube)

BREAKING: Biden’s Pants Remain Up During Photo Op With Foreign Leaders

Washington Post Gushes Praise: “Exceeds Expectations”

“Reminiscent of that time Clinton managed it” — AP

Toke the Toke / Woke the Woke

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Chelsea Clinton Huddles With Mother, Harry Markle, To Find Some Way To Be Relevant and Get Back Into the Headlines

Oops. Just gave her her wish.

AOC Launches “GoFindMe” Campaign for Her Abuela

“Where Is She? Did She Even Live in That House, or Was It a Rental Property She Owned? Why Didn’t She Want a $100,00 Donation?” Asks Befuddled Representative.

Biden Suddenly Awakens, Calls Lid: Dr. Fauci Recommends Gain-Of-Function Intervention

Other News:

No Gain of Function Foreseen: Dr. Jill Caught Between Not-Carin’ and Not-Karen

CornPop Is “Ever-Present Threat,” Biden Assures “Sucrets Service”

–> CornPop’s Story: One “Bad Dude” Who Feared Being “Put Back in Chains” in Delaware

The Bad Dude Admits He Was Mesmerized By Those Little Blonde Leg Hairs

Biden Pledges To Join the EU — But There’s a Problem

… His decision echoed the exclamations of pre-teen and teenage girls around him.

Kamala Harris: The Double-Entendre Politician

This happens all the time.

Because of what we all know, even meticulously sober and straightforward articles about Harris– like the following — suggest all sorts of naughty jokes.

J. Robert Smith wrote a reasoned, analytical article in American Thinker titled “The Unbearable Lightweightness of Kamala Harris.”

Yet either he or I — or both of us — couldn’t avoid language that evokes her well-known means of advancement in politics. Why is that? Sub-lib-men-all suggestion?

My excerpts (well, except for his advocating for “cooler heads”):

No doubt Harris has a prominent seat at the White House table . . .

If Harris is trying to lead from behind the scenes, to date, she’s doing an awful job. 

Politicians . . . keep wet fingers in the wind. 

[Democrats are] itching to set precedent.

[She was] thrust into the limelight . . .

… She sure was …

We need to . . . keep the pressure on . . . If that gap happens, we need to close it fast. . . . We need to work our tushes off to that end.

. . . a short-term Harris bump . . .


Phrase of the day!

Is He Over-thinking It, or Did They Under-think It?

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The Grand Dalliance

Boris Compares Himself and Biden to Churchill and Roosevelt
Breitbart | 06/11/2021 | Jack Montgomery

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has compared himself and President Joe Biden to wartime leaders Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

… As in, all four are dead from the neck up?

The American president is helpless on stairs?

Kamala wants a “Lend Leash” agreement?

Straight Line of the Day: To Lead a Better, More Fulfilling Life, …

Straight Line of the Day: To lead a better, more fulfilling life, …

Welcome to IMAO! This Concludes the Art Interlude. Move Along

Cartoons and Memes

Egads, it’s Friday. Why, these cartoons and memes should have been to me yesterday! This is unacceptable! Can you can give one good reason why I should not have you fired?

“Sorry Sir I can’t, But can you see it in your heart of hearts to give me one more chance?”

Errr… what were we talking about? My mind seems to have wandered a bit there.

“Here are the Memes sir.”

Thank you.

Malaise, Billaise, Trillaise, and a Jillaise

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