Saturday Night Hootenanny

Time to party. Where shall we begin? With the Bay City Rollers!

Asses-in-nation Attempts

Submitted by Slapout:

Swiped Off the Internet: The Sarcasm Is Good With This One


9-Year-Old Girl Crosses Legs, Graduates College

“She Looked So Darned Adult: Ladylike, I Might Add,” Says Dean

Biden Honored To Be Dubbed “Benighted” by Queen

Blushes at being compared to “Richard II, James II, Edward V, and Perkin Warbeck rolled into one.”

NSA, Post Office Declare They Are Through Sweeping Up All Your Emails

“We’re Unelected Bureaucrats; Not Your Maid”

“Why can’t you be more like Hillary?”

Trump’s Portion of Border Wall Stands; Biden Leaves Thousands of Miles Uncompleted

The Patented Biden Squint Explained

Submitted by Slapout:

Aliens Land on Putting Green: Unsure Why Natives Are Attacking Them With Small Dimpled Spheres

Straight Line of the Day: Harris Decides She’ll Go to the Border After All. Only Problem Is…

Straight Line of the Day: Harris decides she’ll go to the border after all. Only problem is…

Welcome to IMAO! We’ve Got a Side Business Near the State Forest

Good prices if you don’t ask any questions about where we get them.

I Just Don’t Get It. Hope They Don’t Either

Submitted by Slapout:

It’s not called “asylum” for nothing.