Saturday Night Hootenanny

Wow, another week gone my and summer just around the week end.

Who shall we start with? Why, the Beach Boys of course!

Default Lies Not in Those Stars, But in Ourselves

Submitted by Slapout:


Local Farmer To Travel to Seattle To See What “Autonomous Zone” Barricade Is All About

“Scientist Claims Something Astounding Which Is Totally Debunked, So That’s the Last You’re Ever Going To Hear of It” Announces 19-Year-Old Yahoo Fact-Checker

The rest is silenced.

Link of the Day: Tap Tap Tap

Not a link, actually; just a comic strip. In IMAO’s format it’s plenty hard to see without zooming in. Although I’ve never seen or heard of its creator before, I admire the talent.


Did This Even Need Saying?

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day — Breaking News: AOC Admits…

Straight Line of the Day — Breaking News: AOC admits…

Welcome to IMAO! A Little Father’s Day Suggestion

Furensic Files

Submitted by Slapout: